Chapter 4

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Maya was a sucker for clubs. Always going to one at least twice a week. How can she even afford it? God knows...  Me, being one of her best friends, she decided to take me out on the weekend to have some fun since we were on vacation in Spain. Loosen up, take some things off my mind. Sounds like fun, right? Well, so far it hasn't been.


I sat at the bar alone, staring at the drink in my hand. Maya, being the social butterfly she is, has now asked multiple guys to dance with her. I mean.. it worked. She gets away with a lot of things because she's pretty. I'm even fooled by it, and that's saying a lot.

Someone tapped my shoulder, breaking me from my thoughts. I turned my head and it was Maya. She had some sweat forming on her head. "Having fun?" I'd shake my head, smiling. "Very much so." She'd sit down on the stool next to me.

"You know you should be out there with me. I didn't bring you along just for you to sit here." She took my drink from my hands. "Well, maybe I don't want to.." I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "Nonsense. You just haven't had enough to drink yet!" She ordered another drink for the both of us.

Before I could stop her the bartender had already started making more drinks for us. "You're despicable." I gave her a smirk. "Without me you would've been at the hotel all weekend." She took the drinks from the bartender. "This one is supposed to be a fruity drink." She slides it over to me.

"Thanks." I took a sip of it. My eyes widened. "That's actually really good." I took another sip. "Want me to order you another?" She gestured over to the bartender. "Let me finish this one first." I put her hand down.

An hour later

I knew coming here was a mistake. I KNEW all those drinks were going to get me in trouble. Maya knows I can't hold my alcohol very well and I get tipsy easy. Currently I was dancing with Maya, not caring who was around or who I would bump into. Everybody else was as equally as drunk, probably even more.

I held my drink up high in my hand. Maya danced around me in a circle, spilling some of her drink of a random guy. "Hey, what's your problem?" He turned around. She glanced back at me, a silent plea for help. "She didn't mean to." I slurred my words.

"Do you even know how much this shirt costs?" He huffed in annoyance. "I don't know... like 10 dollars?" I looked him up and down. Maya's jaw dropped and she grabbed my wrist, dragging me away before I could say anything else to him.

"You're actually wild for that." She laughed. "This is why I never go drinking." I chugged the rest of my drink. I turned my eyes away from Maya for at least 2 seconds and she had disappeared. Oh well..

I'd keep dancing to the music, getting the occasional stares from drunk men next to me. After a while my mouth felt dry. I desperately searched for a drink I could take off of someone's hands.

My eyes glazed through the crowd of people until I saw a tall figure standing off to the side.. holding a DRINK! I made my way over to the figure. Their build was quite muscular actually. I couldn't make out their face since this side of the club was dimly lit.

Instead of conversing with the mysterious person, I just snatched their drink from them. I chugged it. The liquid shot down my throat, burning every part. Damn that's strong.

"Excuse me...?" The figure spoke up, completely flabbergasted. I struggled to swallow the last of the alcohol from how strong it was. "Sorry, I was parched." I'd take a deep breath, composing myself.

"And you just stole a lad's drink?" The voice sounded like a male's. "Mhm.." I nodded, squinting my eyes to see if I could get a better look at him.

"Do you plan on paying me back?" He crossed his arms. "If I had anymore money, do you think I would be taking a stranger's drink?" I closed some of the distance between the two of us.

"Perhaps not.. You just came over and proper stole my drink." He'd tilt his head. It seems like he was also trying to get a good look at my face. "Sorry not sorry." I shrugged my shoulders, turning away to go find Maya.

Before I could even take one step, he grabbed my wrist. "What's your name?" The man made me turn back to him. "What...?" I wondered if I had heard him right. "What's your name?" He repeated. "You first." I squint my eyes again. His silhouette seemed familiar, but I don't know where from.

"Mmm-mm." He shook his head. "I asked first." He'd tilt his head to the side. "Okay, fine. My name is Smd." I giggled a little at my response. "I don't believe that.." He kept holding my wrist. "I answered your question, now you go." I'd slur my words even more.

"My name is Jude." He leaned down, getting closer to my face. The flashing lights in the club revealed the side of his face for a millisecond. "Hm. That sounds familiar.. What's your last name?" I looked up at him.

Before he could answer, I felt another hand grab my other wrist. Ripping me away from the mysterious and intriguing man. Maya was dragging me (yet again) to the exit. "Why are we leaving?" I nearly stumbled over my own feet. "I may or may not have gotten into some trouble." She pulled out her phone, calling up her other friend.

"Hey, did you get to look at who I was talking to..?" I rubbed my head. "No, it was too dark. Why?" She hung up on her friend who said she would be there in 10. "He just seemed really familiar." I sighed.

"Well, whatever. Another club, another guy." She shrugged. "I guess." I'd slide down the wall, checking the messages on my phone. Maya's friend picked us up and we were dropped off at our hotel.


Smd = suck my dick


That Night | 𝘑𝘶𝘥𝘦 𝘉𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘩𝘢𝘮Where stories live. Discover now