♡ [chapter 5: senyuman

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hana was walking through the canteen, another school day was over as she sat down on the canteen bench, she noticed a senior was looking frantic as she notice he was looking for someone. hana realize he was looking for nuha, suddenly a loud voice booms through the canteen, "NUHA!".

"uish, dah kenape si senior tu tiba tiba panggil nuha?" hana question, her eyes met nuha as she saw the girl quickly grabbing her bag and walking off. hana try to catch up but was blocked by crowd of people but she didn't missed the senior was going after nuha, she let out a sigh.

cracking her knuckles, she look to her right and saw him. adam. the guy she's been crushing on a long time. staring at him for a few seconds, she move her head to the side as she notice he noticed she was staring at him.

"aku ni dah kenape.." "nampak macam stalker pula, aish.." hana hit her head and start walking to the front gate of the school.

[with nuha...]

nuha looks at the ceiling of her bedroom, eyes blinking with her head wrapped around the situation last afternoon. "cringe pulak bila aku pikir pasal benda tu" raising her body a little bit she grabbed her phone and she squinted her eye, faris sudden message was on there.

'i miss u'

"daripada mamat ni dapat nombor aku.. bukan aku dah block ke" tapping on the message, her eyes reread the message back to back. 'do faris still love her?' she thinks, her heart beats loudly and she frowned, she doesn't know why she's feeling these feelings even after breaking up.

doesn't know what to respond, she closes her phone and buried her face in her hands, "kata nak move on nuha tapi kenapa tak boleh ni.." she sniffed, feeling suffocating and she try not to cling to the past relationship she have. "susah sangat ke ni.." can't hold her tears, she just let it out. "kenape aku weak sangat ni" she cried and cried, nuha was feeling utterly suffocating as her feelings grow every time she thinks about him.

"macam mana ni.." wiping her tears using her sleeve, she look at back at her phone and try to block all of the memories but it just keep coming back at her, attacking her from the side no matter how hard she try to forget it.

she grabs her phone and walked out of her room, fixing her tudung she walked downstairs, quickly passing her mom she said a quick "nak pergi keluar jap, nanti nuha balik" nuha marches to the front door and goes outside. "hm.. awak dah kenape ni nuha.." her mom said worryingly.

putting on her shoes, she was met by the cold breeze with her tudung swaying left and right due to the wind. she then take a stroll around the place, quickly thinking on what to do with her current situation. 'kalau aku boleh reverse time and actually baiki mistake aku, boleh ia jadi lain?' she thinks, her heart ached.

reaching the park, she sat down on the nearby bench. seeing kids running around and playing on the swing and slide, she smiled a little.

her eyes then fixated on a guy sitting on a bench not to far from her, she doesn't know why she is staring at this unknown person but she found it a little bit interesting.

their eyes met and nuha was quick to broke the contact, "bodo lah aku, kau pergi tengok dia dah kenape nuha.." she spoke, preparing to leave but the guy suddenly walked towards her.

"hey, aku perasan kau tengok aku tadi. aku handsome sangat ke?" the guy laughs as he sit beside nuha "ceh, perasan sangat" she try to act as of she's uninterested but deep down she actually want to start a conversation with him.

"hm yelah" nuha raised one eyebrow and she doesn't know what to respond, she cough and try the basic way "name kau siapa?" nuha asks which the guy respond with "adam, nama gua adam" "namaku nu-" adam then put his point finger at her mouth signifying her to be quiet.

"aku dah tahu, nuha kan?" nuha brows furrowed, "kenapa kau tahu nama aku ni? kau stalker eh?" nuha sudden sentence make adam laugh. "kenapa gelak pulak ni?" nuha is confused on adam action as she keep hearing the soft laugh coming from the boy.

"taklah, aku ni abang kepada kawan kau tu, arissa, so aku tahulah" nuha eyes widened as she hear those words, "kau abang arissa? seriuslah??" nuha body raise up a little from the shock, "yes aku serius ni" "tapi dia tak kata pun yang dia ada abang" adam tilted his head, "dia tak kata ke?" nuha nodded, still feeling confused "dia taknak orang tahu kot yang aku ni abang dia" adam answered but the question lingers in nuha's brain.

"kotlah, tapi kenapa eh" adam eyes fell on nuha face which make him blush a little 'cantiknya..' adam opined, still staring at her her view then snaps back from the voice of nuha "adam, kau buat apa kat sini?" nuha asks while playing with her hoodie sleeve.

"oh aku teman adik aku" he then point at his little sister "wah comelnya adik kau!" nuha exclaimed which make adam blush at her cuteness "haah semua orang asyik cakap macam tu bila jumpa adik aku" adam said meanwhile nuha frowned and she elbowed his stomach "ish, memanglah adik kau comel sangat memang diorang cakap macam tu pun" nuha said.

adam rolled his eyes and his eyes fell on the ice cream truck near the park, "kau nak ais krim tak? aku belanja" nuha eyes sparkle at the word 'ais krim' "nak, nak, nak! aku nak perisa strawberi!" adam laugh a little "ok okay, boleh" adam then turns to his little sister and quickly ask her what type of ice cream flavor she want.

"kejap eh aku pergi beli, tunggu sini" adam then went to the ice cream truck and nuha shoulder relaxed. the cold breeze still hitting her as she softly smile.

not a minute later, adam then came back with two ice cream cone as nuha think adam already give the ice cream to his little sister. "nah" adam then gave nuha the ice cream "yay! terima kasih!" nuha take the ice cream and start licking it.

"ok tak?" adam asks and nuha nodded "dah lama aku tak rasa ice cream cone, selalunya aku makan ice cream batang jer" nuha said while continue licking the ice cream, adam softly smile. "hm yelah tu" holding the ice cream and not eating it, he then focus on nuha instead. nuha noticing this turns to him "eh kau tak makan ke ais krim kau? dah cair dah tu" nuha claimed and adam looks to the ice cream and seeing the melted ice cream. "hm takpe, kau makanlah ice cream kau tu".

nuha shrugged and continue focus on finishing the ice cream.

[a few minutes later..]

"ok aku nak balik, nanti kita jumpa balik esok" nuha smiled and adam returned the smile back. "okay and by the way ni nombor aku" adam took out a piece of paper and nuha fell on the paper.

"oh okay aku message kau nanti" "kalau takde pape, aku pergi dulu, assalamualaikum" adam replied back 'waalaikumussalam' nuha turns her body around while waving at adam.

adam gaze was soft as he hold his beating heart. "nuha.. aku suka kau.."

a/n: thanks for reading, pls vote <3

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