♡ [chapter 4: salah

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nuha staggered back and her brows furrowed, she never really tells that she has a ex-boyfriend other than her friends. "uhm macam mana kau tahu?" distancing 2 inches from the boy.

isyraf sighs, "cikgu disiplin dah tahu sekolah ada orang couple, tapi tak tahu lagi siapa diorang tapi kawan aku cakap yang diorang tahu kau couple" isyraf ends his words with nuha clenching the sleeves of her uniform.

"sekarang dia nak cari sape orang yang couple tu" isyraf try to reach for nuha's hand but was pushed away. "kenapalah benda muncul bila aku tengah macam ni.." nuha try to hold her tears, "dahlah aku nak balik kelas" nuha turns her body away, ready to leave but was hold by isyraf.

"aku sebenarnye nak tahu sape ex kau-" "DAH DAH LAH TU ISYRAF! AKU PENAT DAH NI!" isyraf eyes shocked and his body stumble back, shocked at nuha's voice.

"kau nak aku suffer lagi ke?, aku penat dah ni.. tolonglah" nuha tears runs down her cheeks, blinking quickly releasing more tears. she turns her body and walked away, feeling irritated from the situation.

"nuha.. tunggu!" isyraf calls out for her but was turn a blind eye, "apa aku dah buat ni.." isyraf runs his hand through his hair, stressed and regret fill him. "siallah.." he then walk back to his class.

[with sofea and arissa..]

"weh kau rasa nuha ok tak? aku tak nampak pun dia kat kantin tadi.." sofea worryingly ask, taking a bite from the chocolate bread. arissa looks at sofea with a soft gaze, understanding her as nuha was her best friend since form 1.

"hm tak tahulah aku, mesti dia ada hal lain kot" arissa answered still feeling unsure of nuha whereabouts. "aku harap dia ok lah, aku tahulah yang dia ada problem sekarang ni.." biting her nails as her normal habit, arissa lower down sofea hand and soothe her behind.

"I'm such a bad friend.." sofea suddenly said with arissa holds her hand "tak, kau bukan kawan yang jahat, nuha suka kawan dengan kau sebab kau ni seorang yang penyayang, baik lepastu understanding kenape pulak kau ni bad friend pulak? aku tahu yang si nuha faham pasal perasaan kau, bagilah dia masa sikit" arissa comfort the latter, sofea hearing those words, broke down as arissa still soothing her.

"dah jom pergi kelas." arissa grabs sofea hand and making a way to the class.

[in other class..]

"hana.. kau perasan tak yang si nuha tu lain macam jer..?" auni, hana's friend, asks. "lain macam mana?" hana question, putting on chapstick on her dry lip "tak, bukan dia ada pakwe ke? kenape pulak tiba tiba macam depressed je ni" auni ask again.

"tak tahulah aku, jangan masuk hal orang lain lah kau ni" auni rolled her eyes and went back to her seat, hana sighs and step outside of the class. scanning the corridor and found the girl they've talking previously. "uish, cantik jugak si nuha ni.." han cover her mouth, shocked to nuha's prettiness.

"takkanlah dia jadi sampai macam tu?" hana rubbed her head, peeking through the class, hana saw nuha just sitting alone at her table, looking out at the window. "oi, kau buat apa ni?" someone said, hana threw her head around and saw the bright blue uniform, school prefect.

"balik ke kelas, rehat dah habis" she said, "oh sorry" hana replied back, feeling embarrassed as few students turn to look at her.

walking to her class, she sat down on her table and waits for the class to start.

"siapa kau sebenarnye..?"

[ 30 minutes later..]

"ei, serabuklah aku dengan add maths ni, pecah kepala aku" nuha furiously said, putting the addmaths textbook in her bag. "ala, rileklah easy kalau tahu formula dia" sofea said "ceh, kau tu bijak dalam addmaths, ok lah untuk kau" nuha huffed out with sofea laughing, arissa looks both of them with her giving a small smile.

nuha scans the classroom, feeling someone watching her as she looks to her right, she realized her instinct was right. she make eye contact with someone, with the person giving her a wink. nuha blushed furiously, breaking the eye contact and stuffing her face into the bm textbook. 'putra ni dah kenape.. tiba tiba wink kat orang ni..' nuha thinks, as she raised her head up a little, she saw putra continue talking to his friends.

huffing out a sigh, she relaxed back on her chair as she massage her head. "nuha! teman aku pergi tandas jap" sofea said "oh okay", taking nuha hand with both of them walking out of the classroom, nuha still didn't miss putra eyes on her.

"kau kenape? nampak macam panas je ni?" holding her hand at nuha's forehead, "nah aku okay je" nuha waves her both of hands quickly, sign to tell 'its no worries'.

"okaylah kalau macam tu" they both continue walking down.


"isyraf kau okay tak? dari tadi mari ke mari" one of isyraf friends said. "aku tak okay sekarang ni, aku silap ikhwan.." "wait jap aku blur, kau silap apa ni, spm belum mula lagi" ikhwan tilts his head, confused lingers in him. "bukan pasal spm lah.." ruffling his hair, frown on his face as he remembers the last situation he had with nuha.

"kau nak aku suffer lagi ke? aku penat dah ni, tolonglah.."

"lepastu pasal apa pulak?" ikhwan asks making isyraf knocks away from his hard thinking, "aish.. takpelah" isyraf grab his bag making ikhwan rushing to gather his things, isyraf start walking with ikhwan chasing after him "ok wait tunggu dulu, kau kenape sekarang ni? aku tak faham lah semalam okay jer" a confused tone laced on ikhwan voice.

"aku cakap tak ada pape pun, kau tak perlu worry" ikhwan eyes start blinking rapidly standing there dumbfounded. isyraf starts walking faster, reaching the canteen he scan the area and saw one of the girl he have been looking for.

"NUHA!" isyraf voice reach the whole canteen with few students turned to look at the voice, nuha body jumped at the said voice, turning his head around he didn't expect the tall, school prefect guy she said she was gonna stop talking to was here. quickly grabbing her bag, she flew away from the scene 'dah kenape tiba tiba panggil name aku ni..' nuha legs starts rapidly walking faster than ever, wanting out of the scene quickly.

"nuha tunggu please!" isyraf try to reach for hand but nuha quick reaction avoid it. "kau nak apa lagi ni?" "dengar yang apa aku nak cakap ni" nuha gives out a heavy sigh, clenching her bag and looking at isyraf. "nak cakap apa lagi??", nuha try not to raise her voice to high but him being here is not easy. "dengar jer nanti aku tak kacau kau dah" the words reach nuha ears which make isyraf smirk.

"okay fine, aku bagi 5 minit, cepatla" nuha cross her arms, "ok uhm, aku minta maaf pasal pagi tadi, aku memang memang tak tahu pun dan aku regret sebab nak tahu sangat pasal ex kau sampai aku tak tahu pun perasaan kau, aku minta maaf sangat sangat" isyraf ends his words, the apology make nuha doubt.

nuha breath in and out, making her mouth look like an 'o', "ok lah macam tu, aku maaf kan kau" nuha smiles which make isyraf heart race quickly. "kau pasti?" isyraf cheeks turn pink and nuha nods.

"aku jumpa kau esok" nuha nods and start walking away with isyraf waving at the latter.

while walking away from the scene, nuha face was red with embarrassed as the scene was literally in front of the whole school.

"apa dah jadi ni...

a/n: aslm, sorry tak post brp hari dah, maklum budak asrama, tak boleh bawak phone 😔

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a/n: aslm, sorry tak post brp hari dah, maklum budak asrama, tak boleh bawak phone 😔

thanks for reading and pls vote ♡

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