♡ [chapter 2: tertusuk

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nuha walks down the hallway of her school, feeling nervous as her and her ex-boyfriend was in the same classroom. "kenape tiba tiba rasa nervous pulak ni?" trying to cool herself down, she took a deep breath and exhales softly. "nuha!!!!" a loud feminine voice suddenly perked nuha ears she looks back saw her two friends.

"eh sofea, tak boleh ke slow sikit suara tu" nuha scolds sofea with sofea hitting softly her shoulder "rilek ah, tak ada pape pun" she smiled which revealed her dimples "yelah tu, kalau cikgu dengar nanti kau nak bertanggung jawab? terjerit- jerit pagi pagi ni" nuha huffed out holding her bag from slipping off out of her shoulder.

"ish kau ni kenapa? nampak macam kurang energized je" sofea said, putting her back hand on nuha forehead to feels any heat "kau sakit ke nuha?" one of her friends, arissa, asks.

"aku baik jer, tak dapat tidur semalam" it was not a lie, she's been crying nonstop ever since they've broken up. she's literally got no sleep because of that.

"alah, tu je pun" sofea cross her arms taking nuha hands "dah, jom pergi kelas perhimpunan dah nak start nanti" nuha nods in agreement, arissa looks back and saw faris. nuha ex-boyfriend.

"weh, tu bukan boyfriend kau ke? kenapa dia tak notice kau eh?" arissa asks in questions which made nuha staggered back, head hurting and palm sweating nuha can feel everything. everything hurts all of the sudden.

"oh uhm- kita dah broke up" nuha spits out the words one by one, her throat felt like it was been stabbed by 2 million needles and her stomach felt like a dumbbell.

"oh- uh sorrylah weh, kitorang tak tau" arissa said with a worrying tone as she try to block faris out of nuha view "takpe bukan salah korang pun" nuha caressed both of her arms trying to hold on her tears. "it's just that, ia susah nak buat aku move, tak tahu nak buat cam mana" sofea looks at nuha with worrisome look, with that she hold nuha's hand and dragged her out of there. sofea doesn't like seeing nuha cried.

"wait tunggu aku!" arissa rushes towards them, her last glance was towards faris as she give him a revolting look. "dasar jantan.." she muttered.

it was the end of perhimpunan, every class take turns on walking out of dewan, it was then nuha class's turn. the boys then walk out of dewan with the girls also following, nuha stepped out feeling the cold breeze hitting her.

"sejuk jugak kan hari ni?" someone suddenly said. nuha turned around and she was met by a guy wearing pengawas uniform, hair combed and is ridiculously tall. "uh kau siapa?" nuha asks as she looks left and right "hm, nama gua isyraf" he smirked.

"isyraf? form 5 ke?" nuha steps back creating a little distance between them. "hehehe yes" isyraf runs his hand through his hair, "anyways, aku nampak kau macam tak okay je tadi, keluar dewan dah macam keluar club malam pulak" isyraf jokes which made nuha stomach turns upside down.

"ye ye, kau nak apa sebenarnye ni?" arms crossed she stares into isyraf eyes which the latter caught off guard and his cheeks turn pink upon seeing making contact. he clear his throat "well, ignore je words aku tadi, sebenarnye aku nak cakap dengan kau ni" nuha eyes blinks rapidly, a form 5, a guy is trying to talk to her?

"erm.. nanti jelah, kan cikgu- cikgu misunderstood pulak yang kitorang ni couple" she cringed saying the word 'couple' as if the word was infected. "oh kalau macam tu masa rehat atau pun balik sekolah nanti boleh kan?" he said, eyes shines and he leans closer to nuha. stepping back "yelah yelah, nanti aku jumpa kau balik" she walked off leaving isyraf there, "kau ni siapa sebenarnye nuha?" isyraf spoke with a smirk plastered on his face.

 stepping back "yelah yelah, nanti aku jumpa kau balik" she walked off leaving isyraf there, "kau ni siapa sebenarnye nuha?" isyraf spoke with a smirk plastered on his face

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