♡ [chapter 1: sakit

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nuha stares into the mirror, her eyes was red as she was not been sleeping very well for couple of days. turning on the faucet of the sink she wash her face and hands, wiping her hands on the towel nearby she exited the bathroom.

"sekarang dah pukul berapa..?" she reached for her phone, turning on the device she was met by the wallpaper of her ex-boyfriend and herself. "astagfiruallah, lupa pulak nak tukar wallpaper, nanti jelah" she took her eyes on the time on the screen '6:12' "masih awal lagi.. tapi takut pulak nanti terlajak tidur pula" she walks down to her closet and took out her school uniform.

"mana ni iron? kakak pergi ambil ke semalam?" she question, she remembers that her sister is the last one who uses the clothes iron. "ish, kena cari dalam bilik dia pula" stomping to her sister's room she turn open the knob and slowly opens the door.

she cringe hearing the sound of the door opening, she looks left and right into the dark room. "kau cari apa nuha? kenapa tak siap lagi ni?" her sister asks in a grump sleepy tone.

"nak cari iron, kau letak mana semalam?"
nuha stands in the door with her hand still on the door knob "oh aku letak kat sana" she points in the corner of her room "dahlah aku nak pergi mandi, nanti aku pulak nak guna" she gets up from the bed and went to the bathroom.

nuha sighs heavily, her heart feels heavy after the incident yesterday in which her and her ex-boyfriend got into a fight which led to them breaking up, she can feels tears pricked at the corner of her eyes. "ish, kenapa dengan aku ni??" she patted herself.

walking to the corner of the bedroom, she grabs the ironing board and walks out of the bedroom.

"awning ni okay tak ni?" nuha was fixing her tudung, making sure to look neat. with a satisfied look, she grabs her school bag and glasses and start making her way downstairs. "mama dah bangun ke?" questioning her mom as she refill her water bottle in the nearby water filter. "hm, mana kakaknya?" "dia dah bangun, tengah pakai baju kot entahlah"

nuha pulls on a nearby chair and the sound of scraping reaches her ears. sitting on the chair, she opens her phone and look into her text messages with her ex-boyfriend yesterday.

trying to hold on tears, she bit her lip trying to let any tears fall down. it was just a cause by a misunderstood.

"breakfast dah siap nuha, kenape terceguk tengok phone tu? makanlah" she puts the plate on her table. shaking her head and turning off her phone, she quickly grabs the cutlery and starts eating "kamu nampak macam sedih je hari ni" nuha almost chokes at the words cause by her mother.

"eh tak ada apa apa pun, saya okay jer ni" she puts down the cutlery and wipes her mouth using the tissue. "saya nampak sedih sangat ke?" trying to avoid the question she continues eat which made her mother furrowed her eyebrows, "mama is just imagining things, saya okay jelah"

"nuha, kalau ada apa apa masalah beritahu je mama, mama dengan papa akan uruskan" she holds her hand with a worried look which made nuha heart feels another layer of heavy adds onto her.

"mama, sumpah nuha tak ada apa apa pun terjadi kat nuha" she knows it was a lie but she can't make her mom worried to much, she needs to be strong and just move on from the incident.

she knows she can't.

with a heavy sigh, her mom released her hands and stands up "okaylah kalau macam tu, mama pergi bilik dulu, kalau ada apa apa panggil mama" she walked off leaving nuha there feels more heavier and heavier with each passing breath.

why is this happening to her?

a/n: terima kasih for reading <3, tolong vote sekali ♡

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

a/n: terima kasih for reading <3, tolong vote sekali ♡

sayangku, si nuhaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ