♡ [chapter 3: terlepas pandang

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"ISH BODOLAH SIAL!" a scream was made in the abandoned room, in there present faris and his little group. they usually goes in here when recess or after school. "sabarlah faris, nuha tu pun bukan ok pun" a guy name kalish spoke, blowing smoke of cigarette into the air.

faris turned his back 180°, stepping closer and leaning his whole face onto kalish "kau jangan nak cabar aku kalish"

"tahulah yang kau dah kena reject dengan azra" faris smirked with kalish seeing red "KAU NI KAN, SIALLAH" kalish try to punch faris in the face but faris has quick instincts, quickly dodging kalish attack with an annoying smirk plastered oh his face.

"nak tumbuk orang tu ok lah sikit, ni weak giler, kan dah koyak" he said with overly confidence, kicking kalish in the stomach. "kau tu bawah aku, aku ni ketua kau" "kau ni tak berguna langsung" still kicking the latter in the stomach two of his other friends stop him "dah dah lah tu, nanti tak pasal pasal dia pengsan pulak nanti" his other friend, hadi, said.

"tahu, kau nak bertanggung jawab ke nanti?" another one of them spoke, running his hand to his curls. "ikut kau lah syahmi" syahmi scoffed and his mind wanders to the girl kalish mentioned. nuha.

"nuha ni siapa sebenarnye? aku tahu dia ex-girlfriend kau tapi kenapa kau selalu tak cerita pasal dia" syahmi said knowing he will get in trouble if he talks about nuha in front of faris but he still doesn't care about it. "kau jangan nak cakap pasal nuha lah, sibuk jer"

"tanya jer, tu pun tak boleh" syahmi close his eyes and imagine how nuha looks like, maybe pretty? cute? gorgeous? all of them is just for him to find out.

"dah aku pergi dulu lah, hadi kau tolong kalish tu" he walks to the door and walks out, making a beeline to the stairs. reaching the stairs, he spotted a girl hurrying down the stairs and he took a peek at her name tag. 'nurul nuha'

syahmi smile turned wide. he was about to called for her but nuha was not to be found. "lain kali jelah.."

putting his hand onto his pocket, he make his way to his class.

[masa rehat... ]

"arissa! jom gi kantin!" sofea grabs arissa hand and walked out of the class "mana nuha?" the latter ask to only be given a shrugged from arissa. "tak tahulah, bukan dia pergi tandas ke tadi?" arissa softly said, looking back and front feeling nervous when nuha being alone.

"kita pergi jelah, nanti kita cari dia" sofea spoke, leading her and arissa to the canteen. "okay.."

[meanwhile nuha...

nuha legs was tired from walking, to think that isyraf literally ask her to meet behind the school was frustrating for her. "suruh aku jumpa kat belakang sekolah pulak, nampak macam bodo pula" ruffling her tudung, she blowed out a sigh.

"mana si isyraf ni, aku nak pergi kantin pulak ni.." looking at her watch she walks back and forth, suddenly steps could be hear behind her. "ah sorry! lambat, kelas habis lama takdi" isyraf looks like he has been running a marathon, nuha looks at him uninterested before speaking up;

"patutlah, kenape? kena berdiri atas kerusi sebab tak siap kerja sekolah ke macam mana?" isyraf eyes turns wides questionimg on how nuha knows that as if she was a psychic.

"uhm, macam mana awak tahu?' he scratch his head in shame "eh betulke, saya pakat jawab jer" nuha laughs. isyraf cheeks turned pink, "dah dah lah tu" "okay okay, kau nak cakap pasal apa ni?"

"uhm macam ni sebenarnye.." isyraf doubting on if he really gonna said it.

"betul ke yang kau ada ex-boyfriend?"

"betul ke yang kau ada ex-boyfriend?"

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