38 :Enshroud

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ignore the mistakes please:

Author's pov:

Hands intertwined, Jeongguk sat vigil beside Taehyung in the sterile confines of the private ICU room. the rhythmic beep of the heart monitor provided the only semblance of life in the otherwise hushed space. Jeongguk stared intently at the sleeping beauty, his heart mirroring the machine's steady pace. every so often, a sigh escaped his lips, and he leaned in, resting his head against Taehyung's chest, seeking solace in the slow rise and fall of his breath.

Jimin's voice, a gentle intrusion, broke the quiet spell.

"He's sleeping, Jeongguk. He's fine now."
Jimin and the others watched from the corner of the room, where a large sofa provided a temporary haven. Seokjin rested his head against Namjoon's chest, while Hoseok and Yoongi sat close, a silent camaraderie binding them. Seejin, the ever-present manager, stood alone, his gaze fixed on Taehyung from afar.

Jimin's words failed to penetrate Jeongguk's worry. He continued to caress Taehyung's cheek, his thumb tracing the soft contours of his face. He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on his forehead, a silent promise of unwavering devotion.

"He's sleeping," Jeongguk finally responded, his voice raspy with exhaustion and fear.

"But it feels like he's walking away... somewhere I can't reach."

He confessed his fear with an openness that surprised even himself. Love, he realized, had a way of stripping away pretense, leaving one vulnerable and exposed.

Seokjin, sensing his brother's despair, walked over and enveloped him in a warm embrace. He glanced at Taehyung, a pang of empathy shooting through him for the young man burdened with such a heavy past.

"He's not going anywhere,"
Seokjin murmured, his voice a soothing balm.

"He wouldn't. and even if he does... you chase him down. Hold him close. Love him fiercely. And maybe, just maybe, someday he'll find his way back. Until then, just keep chasing him."

Jeongguk's tears welled up, a choked sob escaping his lips. He burrowed his face into Seokjin's chest, finding comfort in the familiar warmth. Soft sobs racked his body, echoing in the quiet room, a testament to the raw emotions laid bare. The others, their own hearts heavy with empathy, watched on silently, tears stinging their own eyes.

"I love him, hyung," Jeongguk managed between sobs.

Seokjin tightened his hold, closing his eyes as a tear escaped and traced a path down his cheek. "Yeah, I know," he whispered, stroking Jeongguk's hair in a gesture of quiet support.

Grief hung heavy in the air, a weight shared by all. It was a shared sorrow for the tragedy that had unfolded, for the secrets revealed, and for the emotional turmoil it had unleashed.

"You guys go get some rest," Seokjin announced, his voice firm despite the tremor that lingered. "Have dinner. I'll stay with Taehyung."

Jeongguk's cries finally subsided, leaving behind a raw vulnerability in his eyes. Namjoon interjected, his voice gentle.

"Baby, let him be with Taehyung. We'll get him something to eat, yeah?"

Jeongguk, drained both physically and emotionally, reluctantly nodded. Seokjin could not argue as Namjoon was right.

With a final lingering look at Taehyung, the group filed out of the room, leaving Jeongguk ,sole occupants. exhaustion tugged at him, but the fierce protectiveness he felt for Taehyung kept him rooted to his spot. Glancing at the clock, he saw it was already 11 pm.

𝙎𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙡𝙮 𝙔𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨 (𝙑𝙠𝙤𝙤𝙠)Where stories live. Discover now