25: Unravel

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ignore the mistakes please:

Authors pov:

Taehyung steps back and a loud gasp expels from his mouth, sweat adorns his forehead ,body shivers as if cold wind had hit him hard, words gets stuck in throat when the guy in front of him takes off his baseball cap, and runs his long fingers in his hair, his dark laugh fills the room and fills terror in taehyung's whole body.


taehyung breaths out, eyes wide open, he feels his world falling apart slowly and all at once,his shoulder hunches as he tries to wrapp his head around the fact,never in his wildest dream he had thought that it would be yugyeom, jeonguks best friend, his assistance a guys who is so much like family to jeonguk, how can he be the stalker who had made his life so miserable, it does not make sense but taehyung can't just shut his eyes close and turn around from reality, this is the bitter reality that he has to face.

"Surprise" he chuckles, appears exactly as a maniac. he sniff in next moment, demeanor changes like a shot, that made taehyung spooked,goosebumps rises in his whole body.

"i know what you are thinking, so fuck jeonguk" he bitterly says,his eyes replenished with hatred

"i dont care about him. oh well my plan was to kill him but i think i would spare him this time".
"how can you let him touch you ,kiss you, and hug you?" he ask through a laugh. like a maniac and taehyung heart pounds like it would come out from his chest anytime soon, shiver ran down from his spine as he take a step back while yugyeom take one forward ,towards taehyung while scratching his temple.

"what you were even thinking baby"? he asks through a chuckle and taehyung wanted to throw up, only jeonguk can call him baby, and baby sound so disgusting, so pathetic from yugyeoms mouth while when jeonguk calls him it feels like warm blanket like a lullaby.

"d-don't c-call--d-don't call me that" taehyung show his loath ,his shaky breath did not concealed that how terrified he is, while yugyeom nose flares in anger.

"only---only j-j--" before he could take jeonguks name a hard slap landed on his face so intense that taehyung could not stand on his feet, he frame hits the floor and loud whimper erupts from his mouth, blood reek out from lips and tears fall from his eyes while yugyeom yank his head up ,holding up his jaw tight.

"don't you dare---don't you dare take his name", "I had enough of watching you doing all that shit but not anymore, we are leaving from here, you are coming with me, i have even bought a house for us, I will love you so much that you'd not even think of any fucker, just you and me"
his breath hits taehyung face and he shut his eyes closed, he feels disgusted ,he wants jeonguk--so badly--so desperately.

"y-you wish" taehyung spat even though he's shaking like a leaf due to fear,but his words wipes yugyeom's smile off, his brow knits together, he cruelly pushes taehyung back to the floor, his back hitting hard on the marble and taehyung cries loud, he breaths hard as he tries to get up while yugyeom walk back and forth, his fury eyes give chills to taehyung.

"d-don't-- don't do this, yugyeom-shi. i would not--would not tell anyone about all this--you just quit all-- jeonguk-shi, he---he is your friend--i don't want---" taehyung does not get chance to finish his word before he could his head was slam against the wall.

"SHUT UP---- JUST SHUT UP" yugyeom shouts while taehyung finds hard to breath, hard to speak hard to see, his body slumps against the wall and blood reek from his head, he gulps the lump forming in his throat and his heart screams for jeonguk's name.

jeonguk...jeonguk..where are you

"he is not my friend" he screams and taehyung get startled shut his eyes closed, wave of pain hit his head hard, and his eyes denies to remain open,through his half lided eyes, he looks at yugyeom who is staring the floor, seating at the sofa, taehyung tries to finds his phone but his action halts with next word that fell from yugyeom's mouth

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