10: nyctophobia

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Ignore the mistakes
Author's pov:

rash driving has always been his things, he just couldn't wait to confront his father for being so soft for his so called slut, he just hated how his father is ready to risk all his supremacy for that damn model.

he soon reached his office , eyes blazing with anger as he gets down from his car and strode inside his office, he didn't gave a two shit to his attire all he had in his mind was to stop his father for outpouring the things which the model doesn't deserves.

he ignored all the greeting he received from the employees as he busted into his office already aware of his fathers presence.

"Why don't you just write the whole damn property on his name, or that still won't be enough? " he yelled as he slammed the door loud taking his father startled so his assistant je beom

"no greeting and all? and being ceo don't you think you should be dress in more proper way"? ji sung ignored his words as he begin to lecture his son whose anger fueled even more

"hell with the dressing and greeting, just tell me one thing? do you ever loved mom? do you even feel sorry for her ? she loves, you mean whole world to her and you---you just lied to her, CHEATED HER " he shouted making his fathers eyes wide open, bewildered with his sons outburst and accusations he gulped the growing lump.

"w-what--what are you talking about"? his father asked, just needed to confirm what his son has said or it was just his ear buzzed

"oh acting oblivious?okay let me reminde you and please listen and listen good because you seems to forget things theses days" he mocked as he walked closer to his father, eyes holding furry,jaw that are clenched.

"I'm talking about Kim taehyung or should i say a slut? I'm talking about your affair with him that you have been blanketed for years I'm talking about the deal that you just offer to your slut when it was supposed for jimin--- I'm talking about the damn affair of yours with that gold digger, that slut Kim fucking tae---"

the words never came alot further as the whole office room boomed with a loud slap and next thing he knows his father plopped on couch with most heartbroken way, he never ever laid his hand on jin and jeonguk, he couldn't gulp the fact how his son thinks so low of him,and he has just slapped his son.

"shut--up---just shut---" he couldn't utter a word he was in that state while jeonguk remained on his spot as he pulled all his power not let his tears cascade down, he would not cry he has promised himself.

"your confrontation doesn't hurt jeonguk---but you silence did---" he uttered with his tears stinging eyes while jeonguk remained quiet, and je beom walks out from the office so to let the father duo son their confab.

"you could have ask---rather than accusing me for something I never did---something I could never do---if you knew I have affair years before---you should have raise your voice than---and what you called him? Slut? Gold digger? "

his asked with sad smile and jeonguk gulps the lump,lips quivering he quickly wiped off his lone tear that escaped quietly.

"he's everything but that--- he's an angel jeonguk---an angel who saved your mother---who saved me--he saved us" he says through faint smile and jeonguk was bewildered as he stared his father in confusion

his ears buzzed and uneasiness settled in the pit of his stomach as he slowly plops down on luxurious couch, hearing the truth from his father, jeon ji sung shared the truth about his relationship with taehyung---that he's a son of his best friend--- he shared even jeonguk mothers knows whenever he meets the model, he unfolded that taehyung is orphan as his parents died in accident and jeonguk feels immense pain and regret washed over his whole being

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