17: Falling

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taehyung bites his lips,while drawing some pattern on the ground with his slipper,he is nervous. jeonguk fight back his smile it was so easy for him to read the model,he was looking so adorable.they have been standing here for quite some time in silence, with uneven heart beat and unsaid word.

"why are you up till now,you have shoot early in the morning remember" jeonguk breaks the ice as he tries to bring some  sort of conversation,his words made taehyung stop on his action,he nods.

"i know" taehyung answers in short with a smile and then they again seal their lip tight. they have never been in conversation that is soft going it always have been fierce and full of rage but here they are now, far from harshness or any sort of anger ,their heart is full with desires and their stomach fill with butterflies, euphoric.

"everything is clear, luca has accepted it was all him, no one will bother you now" jeonguks says after a long silence ,they are now leaning against the car. taehyung smiles they both shares a look and then they both look up at the sky where the moon is shining in between the billion of stars,there was long stillness.

"apology accepted jeonguk-shi" taehyung whispers after awhile ,while looking up in the sky and then he slowly looks at jeonguk who slowly brings his gaze down to look at the boy standing by his side,his eyes are wide,his hand are trembling so his lips,he breaths heavy as he struggle to speak.

"taehyung i---" he makes an effort to say something but his words cut short as taehyung covers his lips with his soft palm and shakes his head,leaving jeonguk all frozen.

"today you have to listen to me jeonguk-shi" taehyung whisper while jeonguk nods his head,bats his eyes in a series and taehyung takes his hand off from remove his mouth,the model smiles.

he leans his back completely against the car , folds his arm over his chest and with a long sigh he begins his part.

"i have never been in so much pain how much i have been in last few days and you know the reason why" taehyungs utters with calm, he steals a glance at  joenguk. his head is hung low as he bobs it, the ceo shudders with a flash back of his own barbaric act,how much he has torture the fragile boy who is so innocent so kind and so loving.

"but today you have made it up all, i am not saying i have forget it all but i mean to say is,i will remember this ,the good side of yours i remember this whatever you did for me,i will remember this good part of our very fierce story, i know and i appreciate your concern for your family i can understand how strenuous it might have been for you to live with the fear of losing your precious family, it shows how much they mean to you,so jeonguk-shi i forgive you, i forgive you with all my heart---and thank you for saving me from the cruelty of today's media, from the negativity of social platform ,thank you for saving my years of hard work, thank you fro being my armour" taehyungs says with wet eyes,he fight back his tears while looking into those brown eyes that are staring deep down into his soul, he can say now it was all jeonguk who made all the articles down from all social networking site and news channels.

jeonguk couldn't believe whatever honey like voice that ran in his ears is not illusion but a beautiful reality, taehyung forgiveness was like a rain to his thirsty heart, he feel at ease he feels light, he feel he has got the shadow after running in harsh sunlight he hung his head low bite his lips to hold the heart breaking chuckle , he feels he is finally out from the cage of guilt, he is free.

he chuckle and taehyung chuckles along, taehyung eyes are fill with tears while jeonguk eyes are fill with peace, they smiles while looking at each other and gradually their smile recoils, they stand in silence their heart beating loud ,jeonguk take a step closer to taehyung who gulp in nervousness,they both are close to lose their sanity.

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