How To Train Your Dragon - Part 8: The First Flight

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A blast of wind pushed me back a step as the Night Fury flapped its mighty wings and flew off toward the far side of the island. I just stared for a moment, not knowing what to do. My heart beat out of my chest and my legs tingled and shook.

"What the fuck?" I breathed after a moment.

I looked around for anyone to answer but it was just me and the rocks. I looked up at the black shape quickly moving through the sky... before shaking my head and beginning to run toward the far side of Berk.


I watched from the rock formation as Hiccup flew the dragon. They dove around the jutting rock structures around the island before climbing high in the sky, above the clouds. I held my breath as I watched the two freefall before they came back together, pulled out of a steep dive, and somehow navigated the tight turns around the rock formations. I breathed a sigh of relief as they emerged from the rocks and the Night Fury fired a small blast of purple fire which they then flew through, probably charing the boy a bit. They moved so quickly. I could only dream of being up there or moving that fast.

I trained the two as they came in for a landing on a stony beach. A natural rock wall kept it separate from the rest of the island, a perfect place to hide. I slunk toward the two as they rested together on the beach. Hiccup had made a small fire and was cooking a fish over it. The dragon on the other hand was feasting on a large pile of raw fish. It even hurled the head of one up, seemingly offering it to the boy.

"Uh... No, thanks. I'm good." Hiccup responded, holding up his cooked fish.

I small screech redirected my attention out to sea as a group of four Terrible Terrors, who flew in to steal the fish head as well as other fish from the Night Fury's pile. The Night Fury barely batted an eye though, blasting the Terror with a tiny blast of fire into its open mouth, stunning the creature. It stumbled over to Hiccup who took pity on it.

"Huh. Not so fireproof on the inside, are you? Here ya go." He said, tossing a fish to the Terror who gobbled it up eagerly. The small, curious dragon crawled over to Hiccup, snuggling up to his arm, and curling up to rest. Hiccup cautiously rubbed the dragon's scaly back as it slept, enamored with the creature. "Everything we know about you guys is wrong."

"Like Helheim it's wrong," I said, placing my boot on the neck of the Night Fury and aiming my crossbow at its skull. "Try me, dragon! Move and you're done!"

The Terrible Terrors quickly scurried off as Hiccup sprung to his feet. "Wait, stop!"

The Night Fury growled, fearsomely.

"Do something! I dare you!" I yelled at the lizard.

"(y/n), stop!"

"Same goes for you, Hiccup! Another step and I pull the trigger!"

Hiccup froze and slowly raised his hands in surrender.

"Please, (y/n), just... just calm down."

"What the fuck are you doing? You know what this is right?"

"It's not like that, (y/n). Just let me explain-"

"Start fucking talking before I kill my first dragon early."

"That night when I shot down a dragon, remember? It was him. I found him injured and tied up but I... I couldn't bring myself to kill him. I set him free-"

"And built a fucking saddle and starting riding him?" I asked, exasperated.

"Well... you missed a few steps but... yeah that about covers it."

Soar - HTTYD Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now