Panchtatva 🔱(Part -9)

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Radhika asked Niyati while feeding her soup, why Rehan did such a thing. Upon hearing Radhika's question, It seemed like she froze. 

"Sakhi, say something."

She took a deep breath and start explaining "Actually, I know Rehan very well."
"We have known each other since childhood, we studied in the same school, he has been teasing me since childhood."

"But why did he do that?" She asked with curiosity 

"Because I never let him trouble anyone."

"Then one day he proposed in front of everyone at the school farewell."

"But I refused him, and because of my refusal, his ego was hurt."

"Since then, he has been finding new ways to trouble me."

"His ego was hurt then, but this time he won't be spared."

"What are you going to do, Radha?"

"I don't want his career to be ruined, so I don't want to file a police complaint or anything."

"Don't worry, nothing will happen like that."

Niyati finished the soup. Radhika gave her the medicine and started to leave, but Niyati stopped her, saying, "Don't inform my parents unnecessarily, they will get worried for no reason."



When Radhika came out, Shiv asked, "How is she?"

"She's fine now and resting."

"Okay, the doctor said she'll be discharged by evening."

"Um, did you inform the principal?"

"Yes, Akshat and Rishabh took care of it."


"Where is Krishn?"

"He went to get some medicine."



Everyone had gathered at the university in the evening. Radhika had given Niyati her medicine and put her to sleep. She was feeling very tired, so she went for a walk in the garden. Before leaving the room, she messaged someone.

As Radhika was walking, someone stood behind her and untied her hair. A smile came to Radhika's face.

"Krishn..." she said and turned around.

"How did you know it was me?"

"Because you are the only one who dislikes my tied hair."

Hearing Radhika's words, Krishn burst into laughter.

"I need to ask you something."

"I know what you want to ask, but this is not the right time."


Before she could say anything else, Krishna placed a finger on her lips.

And leaning a little closer to her face, he said, "This is not the right time for all these things."

Then he gently caressed her head and started smiling. Radhika was looking at him like a child without blinking.

"Hey! Don't stare at me like that, I know I'm handsome, I will be affected by the evil eye ."

"Krishn you!!!?" Radhika said while  slapping his shoulder lightly.

"Ouch!!! it hurts, Radhe," Krishna said jokingly.

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