Panchtatva 🔱(Part-2)

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"Wait and watch Angel," Radhika said, moving towards both of them.

"I wonder what this girl is going to do," Shiv said, shaking his head.

Radhika approached them and grabbed the hand of the boy, Krishn. When Krishn looked at Radhika, she said, "What are you doing here, and who is she?"

Krishn looked at her confused and surprised but didn't say anything.

"Stay away from my Krishn," Radhika said firmly, glaring at the girl.

Saying this, she took Krishn's hand and led him out of the canteen. Meanwhile, Krishn remained silent, just looking at her. On the other side, Shiv, Anamika, Niyati, and Janki were laughing at the scene.

Outside the canteen,

Radhika brought Krishn outside the canteen. Then she turned towards him and said in one breath, "Forgive me. Sakha you were troubled by that girl. That's why I did that. Please forgive me." But Krishna didn't say a word; he was just looking at Radhika.

Then, without hearing Krishn's words, she went inside the canteen. Krishn was watching her leaving, a different lovely smile was on his face.

Following Radhika, Krishn also came inside. He was still smiling. Radhika sat down with her friends.

"Woah!! Radhika, you got a boyfriend on the first day itself?" Shiv teased her.

Radhika glared at him, and he fell silent but the other three girls burst into laughter.

"Radhika, you're amazing," Anamika said and smiled.

"Seriously, what's gotten into your mind?"
"We struggled so hard to control our laughter," Janki said

"Forget all this, Radhika, are you coming to the fresher's party?" Niyati asked.

"The freshers party?" Radhika asked
"No, I'm not coming. I don't like parties," she said firmly.

"Radhika, that's not good," Janaki asked with a frown.

"I don't know, you are coming to the party. That's it"

"But sakhiii... Radhika tried to say something but Shiv interrupted her and said, 'Radhika, she is right. Let's join the party.'"

"Yes, Radhika, please," Niyati said with a pleading look on her face.

Anamika and Janaki were also waiting for her answer. Radhika thought for a moment, then smiled and nodded. They all smiled in return.

"Radhika, what's your room number?" Janaki asked.

"Room number 6, and yours?" Radhika replied.

"Mine is 8," Janaki answered.

"Radhika, you're my roommate!" Niyati exclaimed happily.

"Finally, Niyati, you got a roommate," Anamika said.

"Yeah," Niyati replied.

"Come on, guys, the next class is about to start," Janaki said as she got up.

After the recess ended, they all attended their classes. ____________________________________

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