Chapter 27 - Quantum Magic & Family Drama

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I'm thinking after this impromptu mid-air dance session, and it hits me. If I can pull off a quantum-fueled moonwalk up there, why not give my new fusion of magic and science a whirl in a different direction? And by "different direction," I mean hauling ass back to the capital.

Grinning like a kid with candy, I conjure up these crazy intricate purple magical circles – one for each foot – and slap 'em right under my loafers. These aren't your average circles, though. They're like tapping into the energy and momentum vibe at its core. I'd been wrapping my head around how tiny particles do their thing at the quantum level – you know, teleporting or jumping between states like it's no biggie.

And then I'm like, what if I could slap that concept onto my magical circles and create some kind of "quantum boost"? Sounds nuts, right? But there's potential there, and I'm all about pushing the limits.

So there I am, tweaking my stance a bit, channeling my mana, and kicking those circles into gear. Whoosh, this surge under my feet hits me like a magical adrenaline rush. Out of nowhere, this funky broken glass-like pattern starts swirling around my feet. It's like having springs on my kicks, but these springs are juiced up with pure magical madness.

"Man, this broken glass-like thing is pretty sus."

And then, a wave of fear washes over me like a tsunami. I sure as heck didn't want to end up as minced meat, so I go all out on the safety precautions. I inject mana into every nook and cranny of my body, and bam, these vivid purple lines start pulsating all over me, even in my eyes. It's like I've wrapped myself in a magical safety blanket, just in case things go south.

This was my go-to move whenever I unleashed the "I AM ATOMIC" magic and faced a nuclear explosion. In this state, I basically turned into the toughest thing in the universe. How? Well, I used mana to supercharge the chemical bonds of every atom in my body, making them stick together so tight that nothing could tear them apart. It's literally like slapping some cosmic superglue on 'em.

Anyway, no second thoughts – I just start sprinting.

"Holy shit—-!"

And let me tell you, the acceleration is insane. I'm covering ground faster than the speed of light. Trees, scenery, all that jazz – it's just a colorful blur. And the wind? It's like a massive high-five from Mother Nature herself. If I hadn't juiced up my entire body with mana beforehand, I'd probably be literal particles right now, considering how the G-forces went off the charts into the realm of fucking infinity.

Here's the kicker – it feels like I'm in two places at once. Every step I take, I'm here and there, all thanks to some quantum stuff. My shoes touch the ground, those magic circles underneath ripple through reality, and I'm zipping ahead with some out-of-this-world energy.

"Hahaha~ Fuck you, Flash! Let's rock and roll, baby!! And hey, with how things are going right now, I might actually just swing by that freaking fiction world and give that sucker's ass a good slap!"

Whoops, gotta stay wary of that Thanos guy and his 50% snap. Can't afford to be reckless when half the universe could vanish in an instant, right? Well, maybe I'll just bring my little' bro along to that Marvel multiverse. With Anos and his ridiculous fucking infinite mana, he could easily wish Thanos out of existence. Snap? Nah, it'd be more like a blink of an eye. Thanos who? And just like that, the threat is history.

"A solution to Thanos or even that fucking 'One Above All' could be as simple as baking a tasty Mushroom Gratin and Anos would be totally on board LOL."

I can't help but crack up crazily as I bolt through the landscape. It's like I'm making a quantum leap, quite literally. And while I'm pushing myself harder, I'm realizing it's not just a run to the capital; I'm rewriting the travel rulebook forever.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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