Chapter 24 - Epsilon's Watchful Eyes

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A few days ago.

Epsilon's extraordinary mastery over magic has earned her the title "Precision" within Shadow Garden. Her precise and refined magical abilities, especially in casting magic slashes, stem from undergoing more extensive training than any other member.

Within the Shadow Garden, Epsilon is revered for her unmatched espionage expertise. She had been on a secret mission for weeks. The capital's incident had shaken the very core of the organization, and Alpha had personally assigned her the task of monitoring two individuals: Anos Voldigoad and Millia Oruba.

From the shadows, Epsilon observed. Her elven features, usually so prominent, were concealed under the guise of a human maid named Lila. The Kageno estate was vast, but no corner was hidden from her watchful eyes. Every whispered conversation, every meeting, she was privy to it all.

Millia was a puzzle. The daughter of the late Viscount Olba had been through a lot, and her sudden association with Anos was suspicious. Was she a member of the Cult of Diablos like her father? Or just an innocent pawn in a larger game? Epsilon was determined to find out.

Anos, on the other hand, was still an enigma. Rumors about him being a high-ranking member of the Cult of Diablos titled the Demon King of Tyranny had reached the ears of the Shadow Garden. Yet, his actions didn't always align with those of a typical cult member. Why had he 'saved' Millia? What was his endgame? Why is Shadow-sama still keeping him alive?

Epsilon's days were filled with discreet observations. As she observed Anos interacting with the Kagenou parents, she found herself astounded by the 'genuine' affection and warmth that he portrayed. It was an acting so refined that not even she, who expected only a cold, calculating demeanor from a member of the Cult of Diablos, could see through it. She found herself praising his skills, awed by the mastery that defied her keen perception.

One evening, as Epsilon was making her rounds, she overheard a conversation between Anos and Millia. They were in the gardens, their voices barely heard through the wind. Epsilon, using her skills, positioned herself behind a large rose bush, her ears straining to catch every word.

She noted the deep respect Millia held for Anos, referring to him as the Demon King of Tyranny.


This infuriated Epsilon to no end. She had been so sure that Millia was in the dark about Anos's affiliations. When had she come to know? And more importantly, why wasn't she afraid? How could Millia respect someone from the very organization that had kidnapped and tormented her? What had Anos Voldigoad done to earn such trust?

Epsilon's thoughts raced. She had to report back to Alpha with her findings. But she needed more. She needed to understand the dynamics between Anos and Millia better.

Over the next few days, Epsilon continued her surveillance. She noticed Millia often looking in Anos's direction, a mix of respect and something else in her eyes. Was it gratitude? Fear? Epsilon couldn't tell.

The more she observed, the more questions arose. Why did Millia not fear Anos Voldigoad? Why did she seem to trust him? And most importantly, what was Anos's true agenda?

Epsilon knew she had to tread carefully. The stakes were high, and one wrong move could jeopardize the entire mission. But she was determined to uncover the truth, no matter the cost. Even though Shadow-sama explicitly told them to leave Anos Voldigoad alone.

As the days turned into weeks, Epsilon gathered a trove of information. She had enough to report back to Alpha. But she decided to stay a little longer, to observe, to understand, and to uncover the truth behind Anos Voldigoad and the equally puzzling Millia Oruba.

Demon King of Tyranny Anos Voldigoad in The Eminence in ShadowHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin