Chapter 19 - The Demon King's Dilemma

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Even before the first light of day had graced the skies, my day had already begun. As a new personal maid in the Kagenou mansion, my primary duty was to care for the 'youngest?' Kagenou, Anos Voldigoad. He was an enigma wrapped in a riddle, a figure of awe, and to some extent, trepidation.

Anos-sama was unlike anyone I had ever met. His every movement seemed to exude an air of power and grace that was truly unparalleled. His abilities were beyond comprehension; he could perform feats that I had only ever dreamed of in fairy tales. And yet, despite his exceptional abilities, he never carried himself with arrogance. Instead, he emanated a profound sense of serenity, as if he were a mountain that knew of its might but remained unmoved.

Every now and then, he'd address himself as the 'Demon King of Tyranny'. I wasn't entirely sure what the ominous title entailed, but it painted a picture of someone who held a highly influential position within the Order, coupled with an incredible strength that demanded respect. It also struck a note of fear within me, given both its intimidating undertone and my grim past with the Order.

Despite that, my interactions with Anos-sama were far from tyrannical. He was surprisingly respectful and courteous, never failing to express his gratitude for the trivial tasks I performed. This contrast between his title and behavior only added to the mystery surrounding him.

His fondness for his elder brother, Cid, was evident whenever he spoke of him. The conversations would always lighten the atmosphere, pushing away the invisible cloak of indifference that tended to surround Anos-sama's persona.

His love for Cid-sama was deeply genuine, their brotherly bond almost enviable. He often chuckled, recounting tales of Cid-sama's... 'quirks' and 'antics'. It was a side of Anos-sama that was so candidly human, it put me at ease. I could not help but be intrigued by the elder Kagenou, a brother who commanded such affection from the enigmatic Demon King of Tyranny himself.

My days in the mansion were always busy. There was a sense of urgency and haste that kept me on my toes. Despite this, Anos-sama's presence created an oddly calming influence, a paradoxical sense of tranquility amidst the rush.

As the evening descended, bringing with it a peaceful silence, I would retreat to my room in the staff quarters, my mind abuzz with the day's events. The mansion, which had once been a symbol of fear, was now becoming my sanctuary, an escape from the cruel world outside.

Nighttime often brought about an air of contemplation. With the Kagenou mansion bathed in the gentle glow of the moonlight, I would ponder upon the day gone by. Living and working under Anos-sama was an experience that was both thrilling and nerve-wracking, a whirlwind of emotions that I was still grappling to understand.

My understanding of Anos-sama was continually evolving. The fear his title and power initially instilled in me was slowly being replaced with respect, admiration, and a sense of security. Yes, he was the Demon King of Tyranny. And yes, he was from that same Order that destroyed my life, but to me, he was my savior, my mentor, and the beacon of strength I so desperately needed in my life. At least until I find my missing father.


The next day.

As the morning sun reached its zenith, casting a warm glow upon the world, it was time for me to attend to Anos-sama. Stepping into his room, I felt a palpable sense of stillness, an eerie calm that hung in the air, hinting at the immense power and presence that resided within these walls. It was the quiet before a storm, a moment filled with anticipation.

There, at his desk, sat Anos-sama, his eyes closed in deep concentration. His aura radiated an ancient wisdom, as if he were grappling with a puzzle that transcended the bounds of time. The weight of responsibility and countless ages seemed to rest upon his shoulders, yet his composure remained unwavering.

Demon King of Tyranny Anos Voldigoad in The Eminence in ShadowWhere stories live. Discover now