Chapter 15 - Calculated Chaos

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"Did you just say Kageno?! That Pochi's family?!"


Iris blinked, momentarily thrown off by her sister's sudden reaction, then nodded. "Yes. Claire and Anos are indeed siblings from the Kageno family."

"What?!" Alexia cried, her eyes wide with shock. "That man... Anos, he's from that rural family?!"

"Yes," Iris confirmed, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "Why? What's wrong?"

"No, it's just..." Alexia began, a thoughtful expression appearing on her face. "I saw Claire once before. She was normal. But Anos...he seemed nothing like her. He was arrogant, passively disrespectful even... he's like the complete opposite of how a noble-born son of baron rank should behave towards the royal family."

"Indeed," Iris agreed, her own gaze turning dark. "His insolence and disrespect for authority is completely infuriating."

"But what troubles me more is how he could save you," Iris added, her gaze softening as she looked at her sister. "Despite his unacceptable attitude, he still did save you, didn't he?"

Alexia nodded, her face going pale as she remembered her encounter with Anos. "Yes, he did save me from that madman. However... the way he gazed at me, it sends a chill down my spine. It was as if I were nothing but an insignificant pebble on the side of the road."


"Yes, that Anos... he is indeed different. Dangerous, even. I can't shake off the feeling... the more perfect a person is, the more likely they are to be a fraud. But with Anos, there's something incredibly genuine about his confidence... his power. It's as if he has absolutely no need for pretense," Alexia admitted, her expression troubled.

"He seems really... authentic," she continued, her eyes narrowing in thought. "Authentic and terrifying."

Iris pondered on her sister's words, her grip on her sword tightening. "You say he is not a fraud... and yet you also say he is terrifying. I assume it is because of the power he wields?"

"Yes," Alexia admitted, her expression somber. "I think his power is immense, yes, but there is more to it than just that. His demeanor... his condescending way of speaking... it's as if he truly sees himself as superior to all others. As if he perceives himself as the absolute sovereign of the world–"

A chuckle escaped Iris' lips before she could stop it, her eyes sparkling with incredulity. "A man of superior strength? You must be jesting!"

"No, Onee-sama," Alexia insisted, her tone earnest. "I'm not joking."

The first princess threw her head back, her laughter echoing through the room, rich and full. "That's preposterous! Is that uncouth, disrespectful peasant displaying unparalleled strength? It's ludicrous! His only remarkable attribute seems to be his audacity, and even that's rather infuriating. I don't know what underhanded methods he used to rescue you, but he is really pushing his luck."

"But, Onee-sama–" Alexia started, only to be cut off by another round of laughter from Iris.

"No, no, Alexia," Iris said, wiping away the tears of mirth from the corner of her eyes. "Your tale, though thrilling, is far too fantastical to be believed. The idea of Anos, a man from the modest Kageno bloodline, wielding immense power is beyond absurd. It's laughably ridiculous!"

"Remember, dear Alexia, even the lowliest of insects can have a sting," she added, her laughter subsiding, replaced with an arrogant smirk. "But an insect remains an insect, no matter how deadly its sting may be. Anos is no different. Even if he does possess some strength, in the grand scheme of things, he is nothing more than a mere blip, an inconsequential speck."

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