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The day was going good.

In fact, it was going perfect,

I had woken up at the perfect time, gotten ready, did my hair, and still had enough time to eat breakfast.

To be honest, I have more crappy days than good, but whenever I do have a good day I make sure to live it till the last minute.

When the clock hit 6:30, I made my way downstairs and left my home to start my way to the bus stop. With a short goodbye from my parents, I began to descend down the street.

It was nice out, maybe around the low 70's, but nothing to crazy.

The bus was when I started to feel crappy.

Maybe it was the loud noise that accompanied the ride, or the bumpiness of the road the bus decided to take,

or maybe it was the boy missing from our shared seat.

I immediately noticed the lack of presence, so I looked over the seat, to where Ben sat, only to see Aiden, silently fiddling away with a puzzle he'd solved millions of times before.

Ben notices me, as offers a small smile as a greeting, being polite, I smile back, "hey guys," Aiden doesn't even move his head up, he keeps his focus on the puzzle before him, The silent boy next to him glances between us confused.

I offer him a confusion filled face of my own, before he shrugs. A non-vocal conversation happening between us.

It's fine. He probably just missed sitting with his cousin. No big deal! Remember Ashlyn you like being alone, you don't care if he actually sat with you or not.

I turn around, and sit down in my seat, and turn on some music, just to distract myself from the odd occurrence.


The second the bus stops at our school, Aiden rises from his seat, and somehow—makes it to the front of the bus before a crowd of kids rush to leave, being one of the first to get off. Absolutely leaving me in Ben in the dust.

"Dude?—what happened, is he okay?" I turn to the taller boy, and I watch as he pulls out his phone, making quick of his typing so we can exit the bus as soon as possible,

'He was fine before we got on the bus, I'm not sure what's going on' "hmm..weird." I state, but make my way out of the bus with Ben.

We walk into the high school—still no sight of Aiden anywhere, you know he's more fast than he actually leads on! I decide that I'll head to my locker to grab an extra pair of earbuds—as I had just lost my other emergency pair. I tell Ben this, and he nods, and typed out something that includes him handing in late homework to a teacher.

We part ways, both simultaneously walking into a stirring sea of teenagers, filling up entirely to small hallways.

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