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Three days.

It had been three days since me and Aiden began to subtly make changes with our friendship.

And so far, I'd say we are doing a pretty good job.

Aiden had begun to sit with me instead of Ben on the bus, which isn't that crazy but definitely got Ben's attention.

I had forced myself to get caught smiling—in the most cringiest yet genuine way possible— at my phone by Taylor and Logan, who I saw exchanged glances of confusion and curiosity.

Aiden had even admitted to him getting caught by Ben when he had tried to stage a fake 'sneak out'.

All in all, we were doing a great job for three days.

I had requested we go over to Millie's to set some ground rules about this..arrangement, obviously, he agreed. I mean there isn't much else we can do other than make a proper plan.


It's currently lunch, Taylor is frantically gushing over a new Taylor swift album, and Tyler looks like he is doing his best to be interested like the supportive big brother he is. Logan is making short but sweet comments on Ben's drawing pad, as he shows Logan old doodles of his.

I typically don't engage much in the conversation that flows around the lunch table, but I'll always listen in. I note that Aiden has been quiet, but for some reason I feel the need to spark up a conversation.

Anything to talk about, any reason to not feel uncomfortably silent.

I draw my eyes to the boy next to me, he's smiling—as usual— and continues to eat his lunch. I drift my gaze from his face, to his neck, down to his arms and than eventually to his legs, although something catches my eye, faint white lines draw out from all over his body.

I was going to say something, before I was suddenly taken from my thoughts.

"Take a picture—it'll last forever" Aiden comments, I look back up to his face once again. He laughs slightly, "am I really that pretty to look at? Did I leave you breathless?" He taunts slightly, his smirk growing wider.

"Yeah—sure anyway, what up with all these scars on you?"he perks up at that,

"uhm what?" I can't tell if his tone was confused or concerned. "Yeah your legs are littered with them"

He makes a sound of acknowledge as his eyes scan down his left calf, he looks over at me again, an entertained gleam in his eyes.

"Can I tell you about them?"

Aiden then proceeded to list some of the most ridiculous stuff he'd done, each story accompanied by a scar on one of his arms or legs.

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