Clashing Loyalties

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As they entered the room, Alex maintained a stoic expression, his silence palpable. Emily, ever graceful, swiftly diffused any tension with her soothing voice, "Sorry we are late. Traffic was awful." Her words flowed like a gentle stream, calming the atmosphere.

Ever since they were kids, Alex and Emily usually arrived at gatherings and parties together as neighbours. Yet, their transformation into a married couple took many by surprise. As they arrived, adorned in matching designer outfits, curious glances were exchanged.

Among the spectators, Olivia's discomfort briefly flickered across her face before she composed herself, rising to greet Emily. "It's alright, Emily. Come, sit with me," she offered, her tone saccharine. Emily recognized Olivia's facade, but chose to oblige, settling beside her.

The guests' expressions mirrored a blend of astonishment, confusion, and intrigue, as they pondered the unexpected dynamics at play.

"You made it," Julian greeted Alex, but swiftly redirected his attention to Emily. Alex nodded, sensing Julian's lingering gaze on Emily, which irked him, casting his eyes with a dark, icy intensity. The room brimmed with tension until the topic shifted to drink preferences.

As libations flowed, suppressed questions began to surface. A bespectacled, half-drunk man fixed his gaze on Olivia , "Olivia, back to marry Alex, are you? Don't forget to send us wedding invites." Another voice chimed in, "Oh, come on, don't play coy. We all know the truth now."

Olivia's lip curled into a faint smile but frowned. "Let's not joke about it. Things have changed," 

"How so?" someone pressed, stirring the pot further. "Their marriage was fake, we all knew."

"We all know Alex only has eyes for you," a shrill voice interjected. Alex frowned, his gaze instinctively finding Emily, who seemed detached, sipping her juice as if the conversation were about strangers.

The woman with the high-pitched voice persisted, "Emily, you must have known Alex's heart belonged to Olivia all along, didn't you? You're not going to get upset with us, are you?"

Meeting her gaze, Emily responded calmly, "You already claimed I wouldn't be upset, why ask?" Recognition dawned as she remembered meeting the woman at the sports club the day Olivia returned.

"Well, I just had to see if you were really that dull, unable to take a joke," the woman, Clare, quipped.

Olivia swiftly intervened, "Clare, enough. Emily, sorry about that. I apologize on her behalf"

Emily maintained her composure, "Don't worry. I prefer not to stoop to certain levels." 

A subtle tension tightened Olivia's fist under the table.

"I was just telling the truth" Clare lifted her chin and stared at Emily, "You don't need to apologize to her, Olivia." 

With a resounding 'Bang', Alex slammed his glass onto the table, his face contorted with rage. The room plunged into an uncomfortable silence, the atmosphere freezing as if time itself had halted. Alex's glare bore into Clare, his eyes aflame with fury.

Sensing the escalating tension, Olivia nervously interjected, "Alex, please, don't be angry. Clare didn't mean any harm. Clare, apologize to Emily." 

Clare's reluctance was evident, but cowed by Alex's intensity, she begrudgingly muttered, "Sorry."

Emily remained impassive, observing the scene as if detached from the unfolding drama.

Turning to Olivia, Alex issued a command, "Don't let me catch her face again." 

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