Unraveling the Unknown

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A familiar sensation washed over Emily as Alex's lips met hers. She had never refused him before Olivia reappeared in their lives. Emily loved him deeply, extending to both the depths of her soul and the passion of their physical bond. 

When they first married, their union felt more like a transaction, and Alex slept on the pull-out couch in the bedroom. They shared a room but maintained their distance until one evening following Emily's birthday party. In her drunken haze, she couldn't recall how she ended up back home, only that Alex had been by her side the entire time. As he guided her to their bedroom, she impulsively pulled him into a deep kiss. Though initially taken aback, Alex soon reciprocated, lowering her gently onto the bed. Emily's arms wrapped around his neck, her desire evident as she longed for more, and Alex found himself unable to resist.

Since then, Emily had seldom refused Alex. Initially shy, she yielded to his forceful and passionate advances, his touch soon rendering her powerless to resist. 

However, in the heat of the moment, his touch now bore anger and frustration. Emily summoned all her strength to push him away, delivering a resounding slap across his face. A pink flush spread across one side of Alex's face, accentuating the darker aspects of his beauty. After a tense pause, he turned his head to fix Emily with a deathly glare. Undeterred, Emily met his gaze with anger, hastily adjusting her disheveled bathrobe in an attempt to leave. Yet, Alex's firm grip held her back. 

"Alex, what's wrong with you? If you want it, go to her! Don't touch me," Emily shouted, her voice trembling with indignation. 

Alex's eyes flashed with fury. "What did you say?!" he demanded, lifting Emily's chin with a forceful gesture.

Emily stood her ground, enunciating each syllable clearly, "I said, if you want sex, go to your lover." 

Alex seethed with anger, but Emily persisted, "Do you need me to remind you that you've already spent the night with her last week? Don't worry, you helped my father during our bankruptcy. I'll cover it up for you two and won't let Grandma find out."

"What do you mean that I spent the night with her?" Alex's eyes narrowed as he continued, "Where did you hear it from?"

Emily's mind flashed back to seeing Alex getting into Olivia's car outside the club, an image he had conveniently brushed aside. However, Alex realized that Emily must have believed he slept with Olivia that night, and his demeanour softened. "It wasn't what you think, that night..." he began to explain.

But Emily, impatient and disillusioned, cut him off with a raised hand. "I don't want to know what happened. Not interested," she declared firmly. She had seen it with her own eyes - he was about to get into Olivia's car and hadn't returned home all night. The next day, he was late to visit Grandma.

Despite her love for Alex, Emily admitted to herself that it had been lingering longer than she cared to admit. But after all these years, Alex would still leave her for Olivia in a heartbeat the moment Olivia returned. Emily's heart was already broken, and she couldn't bear to be hurt again. With these thoughts, Emily found a sense of calm amidst the storm of emotions.

Her calm demeanour and apparent lack of emotion didn't escape Alex's notice, and it sent a numbing pang through his heart. After a long pause, he spoke, "I won't do anything before we are divorced. Or do you truly think I'm that kind of person?"

"Why does it still matter what I think?" Emily replied calmly, reaching out to touch Alex's face with a feather-light touch. "Sorry about that. You and Olivia... if you guys need, I can help with it tonight."

Alex grabbed her wrist, his teeth clenched. "Why do you have to say that?" he demanded.

"Let me go," Emily replied icily, but Alex only tightened his grip. 

Emily frowned in discomfort. "It hurts."

The room was filled with a heavy silence as Emily stood, her shoulders slumped in defeat. Just then, they heard knocks on the door. Alex's fury mounted at the interruption, but the knocks persisted. 

"What is it?!" he shouted impatiently.

The knocks ceased, followed by Olivia's soft voice from the other side of the door. "It's me."

Upon hearing Olivia's voice, Alex's frown deepened. Emily couldn't suppress a light laugh. 

Lifting her head to meet Alex's gaze, she playfully shook the wrist he held "Still won't let go of me? Olivia can't wait any longer."

The icy glint in Alex's eyes vanished, replaced by an even darker expression. Just as Emily anticipated a response, he released her wrist, turned around, and exited the room without a word.

Olivia stood by the door, her anxiety growing with each passing second. Alex's furious voice had rattled her, sounding as if something crucial had been abruptly interrupted. And when she announced herself, Alex didn't immediately open the door, leaving Olivia to ponder what might be happening inside. Finally, the door swung open, revealing Alex in the wrinkled shirt he had left upstairs with. 

"What are you doing here?" he demanded. 

Olivia stumbled over her prepared excuse, stammering, "I... I don't have pyjamas for the night. I was wondering if I could borrow one from Emily." 

Alex frowned in disbelief. "Didn't the maids provide one for you in your room?" 

Olivia shook her head, and Alex sighed heavily, his frustration evident. 

Olivia hurriedly interjected, "Don't be mad, Alex. Maybe they forgot. Can I just borrow one from Emily, if she doesn't mind?" 

Alex's mind flashed back to the confrontation in the bathroom, but before he could respond, Emily's voice sounded from behind him. "Of course not," she said, appearing with a light smile. "Come on in." 

Alex turned to see Emily standing there, and Olivia followed her into the closet, holding onto her smile.

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