Chapter 13

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It opens on Clyde as he was seen feed his horse Ghostrider as he bought some fuirts from a fruit stand.

Clyde:I wonder what I'm gonna do today, since neither the Manges, Verosika, Valentina and Ozzie don't have anything for me today. I mean I guess I could go see everyone at the hotel and probably help them out

He then heard shouting nearby as he climbed onto Ghostrider.

Clyde:Come on boy, YAH!

He rode off following the source of the shouting. It showed to a group of thugs surrounding two women with a van that had all four of it's tires shot out.

Thug:Now we're not gonna ask again, give us all the weapons you got in the back or we'll erase you two whores

Girl:We said there are no more weapons in there!

Thug:Suits yourself

However before they could do or say anything else they heard the sound of a horse trodding and they turned to see Clyde riding up before pulling up.

Thug:Who the fuck are you

Clyde:I'm a man who doesn't appreciate a group of roughens bother a pair ladies, so I ask you once and only once to leave them be and you can walk away

Thug: *laughing* You kidding? There's like ten of us and one of you

Clyde:Suit yourself

He whistled and Ghostrider reared his hide as he stood up which caused him to be launched into the air. Everything turned red and slowed down as Clyde drew his guns while in mid air he started shooting the thugs one by one, everything returned to normal as Clyde landed on his feet as the thugs fell to the ground dead.

Clyde:I did warn them didn't I? *he said as he holstered his guns before turning to the two girl* you ladies ok?

Girl:Y...yeah we're ok

yeah we're ok

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Girl you mister

Clyde:It's the least I can do, now come on I'll take you two home

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Clyde:It's the least I can do, now come on I'll take you two home

He said as he helped the two girls climbed onto Ghostrider before he climbed on too and they rode off.

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