Chapter 10

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A few days later Clyde was now with Rosie and Scalvay as they were on their way to Valentina's club. Clyde was seen wearing a new outfit he got recently.

 Clyde was seen wearing a new outfit he got recently

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Scalvay:What's the plan for today cowboy?

Clyde:I'm not sure yet but it'll be either the usual of me being a bodyguard or running errands for Valentina

Scalvay:She has you running all over the place. You must have a lot of energy

Clyde:That I do

Scalvay:And Rosie and I experienced that endurance first hand

Clyde:That you did. And round two for you might happen if you're a good girl

Scalvay:Oh but what if I'm a bad girl?~

Clyde:Let's just say you will walk funny for a while once I'm done "punishing" you

Clyde and Scalvay arrived at the club only to see a limo was there as well. Out of the club's front door came Valentina by herself and she noticed the two.

Valentina:You two are just in time. Hop in

She, Clyde, and Scalvay entered the limo and it takes off.

Clyde:So what is that we are doing today?

Valentina:We are going to see a friend of mine named Asmodeus. Her and I are going to be discussing business details. In the meantime you and Scalvay here will hang out with her girlfriend Fizzrellie. You'll like her

Clyde:Oh I've already met them the other night when me and my girlfriends went out to Ozzie's but I didn't take Scalvay and Rosie because they were busy and Rosie didn't want to come because she doesn't like seeing people in revealing clothes. Anyways where is Summer and Dia?

Valentina:I didn’t need them today. So I asked them to keep each other company. Anyway what have you two been up to lately?

Clyde:I got to know princess Charlie, her girlfriend, and her friends at the hotel as well as helping her out. And I've been spending time with my other girlfriends too

Valentina:That's great. So what about the two of you and Rosie?

Scalvay:I can answer that. Dates are amazing and the sex is just absolutely magical

Valentina:Heh don't I know it

Scalvay:But we have spicing it up a bit

Valentina:Really now? How so?

Clyde:Quit a bit of role playing

Valentina:Provide some some examples

Clyde:Of course. One thing we did was where the girls were mad scientists and I was the strong and fast monster they created

Scalvay:We also used those endurance pills so we would keep going for longer

Valentina:Oh my. You must have gotten a lot more energy from that

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