Chapter 11

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In the hallway between the IMP office and Verosika's studio. Clyde and Loona are seen making out with him pinning Loona against the wall.

Loona:The only man who can dominate me

Clyde:The only bitch who can handle me

They resume their make-out session as Blitzo walked out of the elevator and noticed you.

Loona:See you after work Daddy

Clyde gives her a firm smack on the ass.

Loona:Ah! Now I have to go through the whole day all riled up

She enters the office and Clyde noticed Blitzo.

Clyde: *contempt* Hey Blitzo

Blitzo doesn't even up a scowl and just looked up at Clyde.

Blitzo: *unenthusiastic* Hey

He walked into the office leaving Clyde a little suprised.

Clyde:Seems he might have learned his lesson. Key word being "might"

Clyde:Hey Verosika

They started making out with Clyde grabbing her ass and lifting her up and sitting on the couch with her straddling his lap.

Verosika:It feels good to have a boyfriend that actually cares about me

Clyde:You deserve it

Clyde smiled and continued making out with him caressing Verosika's body making her moan into the kiss then the others walked in.

Coco:Hey we want some of that!

Apple:He's our boyfriend too!

Verosika climbs off allowing the others their turn making out with him.

Milky:How is it there's six of us?

Kiki:And we're the ones that get tired out?

Clyde:I was a farmer remember? So I have a lot of stamina. But perhaps I was also made specifically to satisfy the six of you

Verosika:Given how perfect we all are together that might be the case

She gives him a love bite on his neck which he returned.

Apple:Aw when do we get our love bites?

Clyde:Come here

He gives all the succubi love bites. The day was pretty bland as Blitzo hadn't tried to pull any stupid stunts which makes him felt kinda weird going a day and not throwing Blitzo in a dumpster at least once. Fortunately for him Loona was on her break and stepped out into the hall with him where they started making out. They separated and Loona lays her head on his shoulder while he gently runs his hands down her back.

Loona: *moans* You are the only person who makes me feel like this Daddy

Clyde:And you're one of the few girls that can handle me

They smiled at each other before making out again locking lips together as they tongue wrestle. This goes on until both of them need air.

Clyde:How's your day been?

Loona:Pretty dull at least Blitzo is leaving me alone

Clyde:Yeah he hasn't tried anything today

Loona:I guess what happened at Ozzie's really got to him. Speaking of which don't you have a date with Fizzrellie tonight?

Clyde:Yes I do in fact I should get ready soon. See you later Loonie

They kissed briefly.

Loona:Have fun Daddy

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