•[18-One Man's Scrap is Another Inventor's Treasure (part 1)]•

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[Yeah, its been a while, huh? Sorry 'bout that, Elementals has taken quite a bit of my writing time. That and a mild case of burnout. But I hope that this chapter makes up for my absence. I mean, it probably won't, but enjoy reading anyway.]

Alex's P.O.V

"When you said we were gonna go grab some materials for the portal, this is not what I had in mind."

I bring the motorcycle to a stop. Sonic hops out and stares at the large rusted sign. I hop off and press the button under the seat, shoving the small silver box into the pocket of my cargo shorts moments later. I smirk at him.

"Well, what did you expect?"

"Not a scrapyard."

I can't help but chuckle at Sonic's expression. Contrary to what many people believe, among all the scrap and broken appliances and rusted vehicles is a gold mine of internal CPU systems and hard drives and salvageable metal hardware and software. Pretty much everything I could ever need could be found here whenever I wanna add a new invention to my ever-growing catalogue. If you know what you're looking for and where to find it, you'll see just how much there really is in this scrapyard.

"Where else do you think I get all the parts to build my inventions?"

"I dunno?" Sonic shrugs. "Tails normally gets his from busted up badniks and older inventions that he managed to salvage. But I doubt we'd find anything for the portal in this dump."

"You'd be surprised." I smirk. Without hesitation, I walk through into the scrapyard, Sonic following close behind. We walk for about fifteen minutes, grabbing certain parts from old computers and consoles and spare bits of aging metal and dropping them into my shoulder bag along the way. I pull up the blueprint of the portal on my watch.

"Okay, we need another processor, a voltic transfuser and an electromagnetic splitter. Oh, and a few dozen spare wires. I mean, I have plenty at home but this is gonna require a lot..."

I notice that Sonic isn't at my side. No, he's a couple feet behind me, staring off into the distance. I walk up to him.

"Sonic, what are you-"

"We need to go."

"What? But we still need a lot more parts for the-"

That's when I noticed why Sonic stopped.

From behind one of the mounds of scrap I spot something silver and round, hovering about ten feet off the ground. The red glowing light piercing through the white and hints of yellow is all too familiar.

That's Robottnik's drone.

We hide behind the mound of scrap metal, keeping ourselves out of its line of sight. I turn to the blue hedgehog.

"What is that thing doing here?" I ask.

"Beats me. But if it's here, the the doctor might also be nearby."

I peek out from the side of the mound, observing the drone closely. It looks like it's just scanning the area. It's looking for something.

"We need to try and take that drone out before we're spotted." Sonic whispers to me.

"I'm guessing from the sudden shift in your tone that if it sees us, the doctor is gonna-"

"Try and obliterate me then go right after you for hacking into his systems? Yes."

My eyes widen. "Okay, cool, could've just said: Don't get seen or we'll be wiped off the face of the Earth. Got it."

I peek out from the mound again, inspecting the drone's movements carefully. It's hovering over some of the larger piles of scrap, scanning all the bits of metal and somewhat working appliances. It doesn't seem like it was looking for us specifically, but that begs the question.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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