•[17-Security Breached]•

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[HAPPY NEW YEARS EVERYONE! 2023 is finally comingto an end, and I'm excited to continue this story in the new year. Sorry for not uploading as much, but I'll try to post more frequently in 2024. Until then however, happy new year!]

Robottnik's P.O.V

"HOW!?" I growl. Orbot and Cubot float into my main office, looks of concern on their faces.

"What do you two buckets of bolts want?"

"W-We heard you s-shouting from the other room." Cubot stutters.

"We wanted to make sure everything was alright." Orbot adds. "...is everything alright, master?"

I groan. "No, everything is just sunshine and rainbows and butterflies everywhere. Oh, everything is just so peachy right now."

"Oh thank goodness. We thought you were mad." Orbot sighs. I growl.

"OF COARSE I'M MAD YOU IMBICILE!" I scream at them. They both cower in the doorway.

"Um, a-and what m-might be the reason as t-to why you are as m-m-mad as you are?" Cubot stutters.

"Simple." I say. I then turn on the giant monitor in front if me, showing a bright blue screen with a blue and white star in the middle.

"That is why I'm so mad."

"Oh, wow. You know, this place has so much red and yellow and black, a bit of blue wouldn't hurt." Orbot says, tapping his finger on his robotic chin.

"Yes, I agree. The most amount if blue we've gotten in a while is Metal Sonic. Perhaps some redecorating is in order."

"Oh, that's a great idea." Orbot squeals. "What do you think, master?"

I groan.

"You want to know what I think?" I stand up and make my way to the both if them. They both look at me with scared expressions.

"I think, I should throw the two of you into my giant industrial shredder until you're nothing but scrap metal and repurppse your parts to build minions that are actually useful!"

I hear a gulp from one of them and let out another, frustrated groan. I motion to the screen behind me.

"Do you even know what this is?"

They shake their heads.

'It baffles me how my genius lead to the creation of such stupidity!' I think to myself.

"This, my undeveloped scrapheads, is a security breach. Someone hacked into my internal system!"

"Hey, didn't this happen before?" Orbot asks.

"Yes, Orbot, this happened before." I sigh. "Remind me, didn't I tell you two to enhance and fortify the security system and make it pretty much impossible for anyone to hack into?"

"Uh, I suppose so?" Cubot answers.

"Interesting." I mutter. I point to the monitor. "Then explain this."

"W-We don't know, master. We did all we could to tighten the lair's security network." Orbot admits.

"Yes, we even reset our own security parameters to better mesh with the updated system. It should have been impenetrable." Cubot adds.

"Then how did I get hacked a second time!?"

The two idiots look at each other before turning back to me with a shrug. I let out yet another frustrated groan, pinching the space between my eyes.

"This isn't even the worst of it." I grumble under my breath.

"What would be worse than this?" Orbot asks. I sigh.

"Whoever weaseled their way past my security somehow gained access to the entire lair." I groan. "All my blueprints and schematics are also in their possession. All the blueprints for my badniks, my weapons, my drones, even Metal Sonic- They could access those files at any time they wish!"

"Oh my, that is bad." Cubot says, a hint of concern in his robotic voice.

"Wouldn't they have gotten access to the blueprints for the portal you're working on as well?" Orbot asks timidly. My eyes widen in realization. My portal...

"This is worse than I thought..." I mutter

"What was that, master?" Cubot asks cautiously. I turn to them both, a sudden sense of urgency in my posture.

"Get your metal posteriors to the main hub and go through every string of security code. I want that hacker identified and the security system completely overhauled. Reset every password, reboot the mainframe and make the security system tighter than ever before."

"Yes, sir!" Orbot and Cubot say in unison, doing an army salute. I shoot them both a death glare.

"And don't mess it up. Make sure that this time, no one other than me is able to gain access."

"Y-Yes master, right away!" Cubot nods.

"Don't worry, we'll handle it." Orbot adds. They both float out of the room and down the hallway. I poked my head out of the doorway.

"You'd better! Or else!" I shout after them. I turn around to face the giant monitor. The screen is still blue.

Blue...just staring at it makes me want to pull out my moustache hair. Too many connotations to that rodent, the bane of my existence. But it also scares me.

How in Mobius did someone manage to get past my security system? It's of the most advanced in the world. Nobody has been able to bypass it before. So the fact that it happened twice...

"Whoever you are..." I mutter to myself, my eyes fixated on the monitor. "...you've just made an enemy of the greatest mind this world has to offer."

I turn to leave, but I stop myself in my tracks right as I m about to walk through the doorway. I glance back at the star.

Something about it seems... familiar...

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