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[Yes, I know, it's been a while. I've been busy with a lot of other stuff since I last uploaded. Admittedly, I won't have as much time for this book as I hoped, but I'll still try upload every now and again. Anyway, enjoy the chapter.]

Alex's P.O.V.

I let out a frustrated groan, hitting my head on the table of my workshop.

It didn't take me too long to find the coordinates of Mobius, really it took half a day at most. Since then, I've been trying to come up with a design for a device to get Sonic home. I've been brainstorming for almost a week now. And yet, I still got nothing.

"Damnit." I mutter. I turn my head to the bin in the corner overflowing with sketches and blueprints that I doubt could work.

"Maybe some fresh air is what I need."

I get up and head to the door before exiting my workshop. I lock the door behind me and head up out of the basement into the lounge. There, I find Sonic and Caleb playing a round of Street Fighter, and Sonic seems to be winning.

"Oh, I got you now, Caleb!" Sonic says, his eyes glued to the TV.

"In your dreams." Caleb retorts. "I know every combo move in the game. No way are you-"


Sonic turns to Caleb with a smirk. "You were saying?"

"Wha- How!?" Caleb asks in shock.

"Button mashing." Sonic shrugs. "Never fails."

"Best out of three!" Caleb says.

"You're on- Oh, hey Alex." Sonic says, turning to me and waving.

"Morning." I reply.

"Did you spend all morning in there?" Caleb asks.

"No." I yawn. "I've only been in there for an hour and a half."

"Any progress with the portal device?" Sonic asks hopefully.

"No...sorry Sonic." I reply.

"Oh..." Sonic says, his ears dropping.

"I was actually about to head out and get some fresh air." I point to the door. "I'm hoping it'll help me come up with something-"


'And they go back to their game...' I think to myself.

"Oh. Okay then, I guess I'll head out." I say. With that, I head outside, hop onto my motorcycle and speed off to the park.


I let out a frustrated sigh. I thought that sitting in the park would help me come up with a design, but that didn't help one bit. I ended up spending an hour and a half there sitting under the big tree where I met Sonic.

"I got nothing." I groan.

I sit here for a little bit longer, scratching my head with the tip of the pencil.

"Come on, Alex, think. How are you going to get Sonic home if you can't even come up with a working prototype?" I said to myself. The sound of mg stomach rumbling interrupted my thoughts though.

'Did I forget to eat breakfast this morning?'

I caught a savoury scent in the air. I looked to the side, and sure enough, Dave was there. He just served a young couple and waved them off.

'I could go for tacos.' I think to myself.

I get up and make my way to his truck. I greet him with a smile, and he returns one once he sees me.

•Sonic The Hedgehog: Beyond Worlds•Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt