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"Hundreds of books in one shelf,
Million of words written by myself,
Thousands of experiences is stated on,
But has a one goal and inspiration."

"I grab that book with a plain design,
Black in fonts and texture is fine,
I put in the table beside my coffee,
The author was me and title were in calligraphy."

"I read every genre of story,
And amazed by rhytmic pattern of the poetry,
Suddenly I stop in the middle of the book,
Because I feel that my eyes were hook."

"After the times has passed by,
And in a multiple love I have try,
This are the words I would like to say on the stage,
My baby your still my favorite page."

"I realized that this page was for a stranger,
In my cruel life became my lover,
A girl who wants a library to read,
And in her every books I want to lead."

"I could reread the part of this lovely page,
It feels in past again I was cage,
The page where I tell her how I love her,
And stated that I'll be her forever."

"Suddenly I say, "Wherever you are I love you",
And a tear drops were coming out too,
I look at her picture and I can't stop my cry,
And a cold wind have passed by."

"A footstep were coming on my location,
Berdugo what makes you cry on?,
Suddenly I realize waiting for her is done,
She is now in my front and never let her gone."

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