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"I can't feel your love anymore,
My love never make you excite,
I feel that you already closed the door,
And our presence make us fight."

"I've given the things that makes you happy,
I have sacrifice my time when your alone,
Your smile is what I want to see,
But you showed it to another person."

"When your love has gone I know IT'S HIM,
He is the one who filled up your interest,
When you lost your smiles I know ITS HIM,
Maybe on the two of us, he is the best."

"I'm here at your side,
But you think about him,
Your feelings for him won't hide,
And the love you showed is dim."

"I was hurt because of the truth,
That you love him more than me,
I'd like that man to be shoot,
And have the love I want to be."

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