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"I am sweet bubblegum,
Everytime your with me,
Sweetness in tongue make sound like a drum,
Your eyes will always want me to see."

"My smile will be your favorite,
You could taste me if you crave,
But don't think my love is a trap pit,
My best flavor is always save."

"I am sweet bubblegum,
Everytime your with me,
I am more delicious than a plum,
In my sweetness, make yourself ready."

"I'll be the most flavorful candy,
And I will play in your tongue,
Darling treat me like your own baby,
Cuz you could bite me with your fang."

"I am sweet bubblegum,
Everytime your with me,
I'll be the sweet dear by your mom,
And I will always kiss you for free."

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