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"Thanks him for fighting,
He is tired,but he just act nothing."
"You know that his in pain,
While he walk in the middle of the rain."
"His wounds were on his body,
But still smile for everbody."

"He fight for everything,
Like the bravest king."
"He had the sword of love,
But has the grace Above."
"He is the princess knight,
And in his family,he is the light."

"He even teach you a lesson,
That in our life we need to be a good person."
"He gives everything you need,
Genuine love is the seed."
"He is strict but has a right,
And he will discipline you with his might."

"You know he will reach his limit,
And in his throne,he will sit."
"Soon! He is old and sick,
He is the knight that is already weak."
"Love him as the time goes by,
Cu'z in the end you'll cry."

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