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"Memories, Minds and rapid Thoughts,
It pulled me down and make me lost,
Desires, dreams and perfect Wants,
I could make a paper with billion rants."

"What the heck on my head?
Your the problem they always said,
Change yourself furthermore,
Why does overthinking always do torture?"

"Love, Pain and lasting Hate,
Why always remember those traumatic date,
Words, Letters and Sentences,
Can I write it down for a messages."

"I have change my precious name,
Just to be a hero and not a lame,
And to be fit in their circle,
Why I'm just selling my worthy soul?"

"Will my thoughts will be forever,
Or will my mind kill me for torture,
Maybe I will die in a doom.
Or will I escape this darkest room?"

"I can resist in this mindset,
And I'm tired of believing,
I think I'm losing my precious bet,
Could I can stop OVERTHINKING!"

"Coins, Bills and Diamonds,
I want this for my satisfaction,
Friends, Groups and tight Bonds,
Will all this stay until my mission."

"Opinion, Quote and Testament,
Why this always stay in my head?,
Looks, Views and massive Judgement,
Why I see them in the left side of my bed?"

"How can I live on my own way?,
If this is the situation I could not stay,
Believing I will make it soon,
Even its hard to hold on."

"Minds has million of questions,
While you make progression,
Minds has million of questions,
And the answer is to make an action."

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