Chapter 69

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8 months later

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8 months later

Eight months later, life has settled into a comfortable rhythm, but it’s anything but boring. Addy and I are on the couch in our living room, cuddling. She's got her head resting on my shoulder, her hand on her growing belly, and I can't help but smile every time I look at her. We're surrounded by friends and family. Liam and Lily are sitting on the other end of the couch, playfully teasing each other, while Sophia and Christian are talking quietly in the corner, probably planning their next big adventure.

In the kitchen, our mothers are cooking up a storm. My mom, Addy's mom, and Lily's mom—they're like a dream team, laughing and sharing stories while they prepare dinner. The smell of home-cooked food fills the house, and it's like we're back to the old days when life felt simpler, even though it’s anything but.

Outside, our dads are in the backyard with Evan and little Skyler. It's a sight to behold. Evan's showing off his soccer moves, while Skyler, barely a year old, is waddling around in that adorable way babies do. The dads are laughing, enjoying the chaos, and it warms my heart to see everyone so happy.

But the real joy is right here on the couch. Addy leans into me, her pregnancy showing, and I can’t help but think about how much she's been through. The mood swings, the cravings, the restless nights—it's all part of the journey. Some days, it's like she's on a roller coaster, and I just have to hold on and enjoy the ride. One minute she's craving pickles and ice cream, the next she's laughing at something I didn't even think was funny. But that's Addy, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

I rub her back gently, knowing it helps with the aches and pains that come with carrying a baby. She sighs, her eyes closing for a moment. "You okay?" I ask, keeping my voice soft.

"Yeah," she says, a small smile tugging at her lips. "Just a little tired."

"Want me to get you anything?" I offer, ready to jump up if she asks.

She shakes her head, leaning into me even more. "No, just stay here. This is perfect."

I smile, holding her close, because it really is perfect. Despite the ups and downs, the worries and the uncertainties, we're here. Together. And that's all that matters. Because as long as we're together, I know everything will be just fine.

We're sitting on the couch, watching some TV with the family when Addy suddenly gasps and looks at me with wide eyes. "Asher, my water just broke," she says, sounding both surprised and anxious.

My heart skips a beat, and then I'm up, grabbing the pregnancy bag from by the door. "Okay, okay, let's get to the hospital," I say, my voice a little more panicked than I’d like. Everyone springs into action. Christian, Liam, and Sophia help Addy up while our moms gather the last-minute things, and I'm already out the door, holding it open for Addy as we make our way to the car.

The drive to the hospital is a blur of nervous chatter and encouraging words. I'm holding her hand, squeezing it every now and then to remind her I'm here. "You're doing great, Addy," I say, trying to sound calm. "Just keep breathing, okay? We've got this."

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