Chapter 23

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Our first month of marriage has been a mix of laughter, teasing, and realising we make pretty good friends

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Our first month of marriage has been a mix of laughter, teasing, and realising we make pretty good friends.Guess who's off on a work trip and promised to be back just in time for our one-month anniversary? Yup, my dear husband, Asher. Can't wait for his return!

Today I decided to go for casual chic. Rocking a comfy sweater paired with sleek trousers and my favorite boots. I've kept my makeup simple today: a touch of natural makeup to enhance the features, and my hair in a loose bun for that effortless yet put-together look.

"Morning, Martha! Ready to tackle the day together?" Martha replies with a soft smile "Good morning, Addy! I'm always ready when you are. What's on the agenda for today?" Martha and I became close over time. From work discussions to sharing life stories, our bond grew stronger each day.

Martha really knows how to make my mornings brighter - served me avocado toast and fresh orange juice for breakfast today. I took my phone out and clicked a picture of my food, the routine we've been following from the day, he left for a work trip to London.

Captured my delightful breakfast - Martha's avocado toast and fresh OJ. Making you jealous, Asher! 😋📸🍞🍊

Just as I put my phone aside, I got a notification from him.

Missing that breakfast, but missing you even more. See you soon, Blue. 😘

I nearly choked on my juice, seeing that cheeky 😘 emoji Asher sent. His playful gestures always manage to catch me off guard.

"Guess my breakfast pictures are doing the trick. 😊"

Guess my message is making you blush.

Well I don't know about what you're talking.

My heart skipped a beat as my phone lit up with Asher's video call. I eagerly answered, a smile spreading across my face. "Liar, I knew you were blushing" Asher spoke as he answered. I laughed at Asher's playful accusation. "Okay, maybe just a little. You caught me. Now spill, how's your trip going? Anything interesting happening there?"

Asher grinned, sharing snippets of his work trip and a few anecdotes. I couldn't help but smile, feeling a warmth in our conversation despite the distance.As I ended the call with Asher, I drove to the office, bidding Martha a quick goodbye. The day awaited, and so did the challenges at work.

My assistant just reminded me about the 11 o'clock appointment. It's with Joshua Smith.Joshua Smith, the London billionaire with his tech empire. Wonder what brings him to my office?

Joshua saunters into my cabin with Sarah and his assistant trailing behind him. I welcome with a smile, "Welcome Mr. Smith". I can't help but notice Joshua's undeniable charm and attractiveness, but in the quiet corners of my mind, I find myself comparing him to Asher. Sure, Joshua has this refined beauty about him, but Asher's rugged charm and the way his eyes light up when he smiles hold a unique allure that can't be easily matched.I mentally scold myself for even entertaining the comparison.

Joshua nods appreciatively, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Thank you, Ms. Carter. It's a pleasure to be here," he responds with a charming demeanor.
I casually ask Joshua, "So, what brings you here?" Joshua replies, "I'm here for you to design me a suit for an upcoming event."

I am shocked and surprised to hear Joshua's request and replies, "Well, it's my pleasure to design a suit for you, Mr. Smith." I ask Joshua about his preferences and requirements for the suit. Joshua smirks and replies, "Surprise me, Ms. Carter. Just make sure it's as captivating as your designs always are."

"Consider it done, Mr. Smith. I'll make sure it's a suit that turns heads," I  say with a confident smile. Joshua thinks for a moment before asking " Would you join me for lunch Ms.Carter?". I politely inform Joshua, "I'm sorry, Mr. Smith, but I'm quite busy at the moment."Joshua replies, "It's just lunch, and it won't take much time, Ms. Carter." Despite my initial hesitation, I decide to join Joshua for lunch.

I quickly agree saying, "I'll be out in 5 minutes." Joshua nods and says, "Sure, take your time." I inform Sarah, "I'll be out for lunch." I breezes into Lily's office, and spill the details about my  lunch with Joshua Smith. Lily chuckles and says, "Well, well! Looks like someone's got a fancy lunch date."

"It's just a lunch meeting, Lily. Joshua needs a suit, and we're discussing the details. No biggie, just work stuff," I explain nonchalantly. "See you later, Lils. Time for some suit talk with Mr. Smith," I say with a playful wink and join Joshua in the elevator.

"So, a fancy French restaurant, Mr. Smith? You really know how to make an impression," I  comment with a grin as we enter the restaurant. Joshua chuckles, "Well, a little extravagance never hurts anyone, especially when in the company of a talented designer like you, Ms. Carter." I grin, "Well, Mr. Smith, let's see if my design skills match up to your taste in fine dining. Lead the way!"

Joshua asks me to call me by his first name but not before agreeing to call me the same. I chuckle, "You know, Joshua, I never imagined my lunch breaks would turn into a fashion consultation. But hey, here we are!" We place our orders and soon the food arrives. We continue to make small talk throughout the lunch.

"Wow, this food is seriously amazing. I'm in culinary heaven right now." I say to him. Joshua grins and says, "Glad you're enjoying it. French cuisine has a charm of its own, doesn't it?" I reply, "Absolutely! I must say, you have good taste in both food and fashion, Joshua"

Joshua leans in, wiping the cream from the corner of my mouth. I smile and thank Joshua for the thoughtful gesture, feeling a mix of surprise and appreciation for his gentlemanly act.We finish our lunch and Joshua drops me back.

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