Chapter 15

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Addy was putting on a brave face the whole time

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Addy was putting on a brave face the whole time. She was smiling, mingling, and acting so happy for us, but I could tell it was all fake. Especially being so normal after how she had a panic attack in the car.

As I stepped down from the stage, the lingering emotions of the moment with Addy still fresh in my mind, I made my way through the crowd towards Liam.

As I joined Liam, he couldn't contain his curiosity and asked with a wry smile, "Asher, what the hell just happened on that stage?" Ignoring Liam's question, I headed to the bar and ordered a drink, needing something to clear my thoughts. I watched as Liam made his way towards Addy. Curiosity got the better of me, and I decided to follow Liam as he went towards Addy. I wanted to know what they were talking about.

As I approached Addy and Liam, Addy turned around, and I couldn't help but notice that she hugged Liam warmly.I couldn't help but wonder why Addy felt the need to hug Liam so warmly. She never hugged me like that. Well I never got the chance due to my asshole tendency towards her. I joined them and observed them and Lily also joined us at that moment.

As Lily joined the group, Liam inquired about her, asking Addy who she was. Addy introduced Lily as a close friend.
Liam offered his hand to Lily as he introduced himself " Hi, gorgeous I'm Liam Smith". But Lily didn't even give him a glance and ignored him.

Addy and I shared a chuckle as we watched Lily completely ignore Liam's introduction. Lily leaned in to whisper something to Addy. I turned to Addy as she informed me that she and her family were ready to depart from the engagement party.

I reached out and gently caught Addy by her elbow, pulling her closer to me.The subtle electricity between us was undeniable, and as I held her closer. Addy's eyes met mine, and she asked, "What is it, Asher?" Her voice was soft, and there was a hint of curiosity in her expression. I realized that I had her attention, and a thousand thoughts raced through my mind.

I looked at Addy, and with a playful grin, I said, "You know, Blue, try not to miss me too much while we're apart." Addy raised an eyebrow at my playful comment and responded in a sarcastic tone, "Oh, Asher, how could I possibly survive without you? I'll try my best not to miss you too much." There was a hint of amusement in her voice, and it made me smile.

As I exchanged pleasantries and said my goodbyes to Addy's family, I couldn't help but notice her walking towards the exit. She appeared distant, lost in her own thoughts. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was bothering her. A part of me wanted to reach out, to understand what was going on in her mind, and to reassure her that we were in this together.

As I watched Addy walk away, a perplexing thought crossed my mind. Why was I letting my guard down when I had every intention of maintaining a cold and distant facade towards her? I needed to maintain my distance from her, to keep my emotions in check and not let our complicated connection draw me in.


It had been five days since I last saw Blue. The promise I made to myself still echoed in my mind, but it was getting harder to keep my distance. I couldn't deny that I missed her, even though I tried not to. I couldn't believe I was doing this, but here I was, on my way to Addy's office. Despite my attempts to distance myself, I couldn't deny that I missed her. It was infuriating, but I couldn't help it. My usual cold and distant demeanor was slipping, and I needed to see her, even if it was just for a moment.

I reached her floor and entered her office without any obstacles because she's my fiance and nobody is capable enough to stop Asher Carter from meeting his Blue. Seeing Addy immersed in sketches and fabrics, sitting on the floor, a wave of admiration washed over me. Her dedication to her work was undeniable, and I couldn't help but appreciate the passion that fueled her creativity.  I silently took out my phone and captured a picture of Blue immersed in her creative zone.

Blue was dressed in a chic yet comfortable outfit and her hair tied up with a pen.Addy raised her head from the sketches and fabrics scattered around her, her eyes widening in surprise as she spotted me. The brief flicker of shock in her gaze was quickly replaced by a guarded expression.

Her question pierced through my thoughts, pulling me back from the trance I found myself in. Addy's eyes held a mixture of curiosity and caution as she inquired, "What are you doing here?" For a moment, I struggled to find the right words, finally settling on a straightforward response, "Just checking in. Missed you."

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