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"For hearts that crave a love so divine,
Desire a man whose passion intertwines.
May his affection mirror tales untold,
A fictional love, more precious than gold."


My 18-year-old self excitedly spills about the crush on Asher. There's a sparkle in my eyes, and each word carries the innocent enthusiasm of a young heart navigating the thrill of a budding romance.

Asher and my brother Christian, are partners in crime, and their paths first crossed at Harvard University. I still remember the day Asher walked into our home with Christian. There was an air of ease about him, a charisma that drew everyone in.Back then, my usual bubbly self seemed to hush to a more serene version whenever Asher was around.

Charming and handsome, Asher was the epitome of effortless grace. His green eyes held a magnetic allure, capable of pulling you into a world where time seemed to linger. Tall and lean, yet with a subtle strength in his muscles, he moved with a confident poise that left a lasting impression. His hair, a perfect tousle, and that finely chiseled jawline completed a picture that was nothing short of captivating.

Alone on the couch, I watch as the living room remains empty, my parents off on a rare date night, and Christian spending time with Sophia. Startled, I feel a hand on my shoulder, and the popcorn takes flight. A relieved sigh escapes me as I turn to find Asher, the culprit of my brief panic, wearing a mischievous grin.

Asher's voice soothes my nerves as he chuckles, assuring me to relax with a simple "It's just me, Addy." I playfully roll my eyes and reply, "Well, just you managed to give me a mini heart attack. Nice job, Asher."

Asher sits beside me, tapping on his phone, while I continue watching TV. Asher glances at me and asks, "Do you know when Christian will be back?" "I'm not sure, he didn't mention. Probably after his date with Sophia," I respond, my attention still on the TV. I feel his gaze on me and I turn around to ask him "what?"

"You're cute", what he thinks I'm cute, I'm cute, ok chill Addy. Blushing, I roll my eyes and tease, "Oh, please! You're just saying that because you want more popcorn." He chuckles at my words. He's so beautiful.

I take a deep breath and say, "You know, Asher, there's something I've been meaning to tell you." Asher asks, "Oh, do tell, Addy. I'm all ears."

I nervously admit, "Well, Asher, I've had this massive crush on you since forever. You know, the kind where my heart skips a beat whenever you're around." Asher's expression turns serious as he lets out a dry chuckle and tsks.

Asher chuckles, "Come on, Addy. How can someone like you afford to have a crush on me? Look at you, all nerdy with no fashion sense, and then there's me, popular and, might I add, incredibly hot."

Asher smirks, "Seriously, Addy? Your crush on me is just plain stupid. I mean, look at the difference between us. It's like day and night." My eyes well up with tears as Asher's words hit me hard, questioning the validity of my feelings.

Asher smirks sarcastically and mockingly coos, "Oh, don't cry, sweetheart. Your crush on me is just so heartwarming. I'm truly touched." Mumbling weakly, I repeat, "Shut up," as I try to contain my emotions.

Asher questions, "Are you offended by the truth?" with a hint of skepticism in his voice. I retort, "What's the big deal if I have a crush on you?" with a hint of defiance in my tone. Asher smirks and says, "Well, maybe it's not such a bad thing after all."

Asher becomes serious and says that "we can not be together and I will not like someone like you, because you're not my style, Addy " I  glare at Asher, my voice filled with resentment, "I hate you, Asher. Go enjoy your 'style' elsewhere."

Asher's tone softens, "It's better this way, Addy. Hate me, it makes things less complicated and maybe you'll find someone who deserves you."

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