Chapter 10

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Sitting in the backyard, I was lost in the beauty of the  sky, not expecting any company

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Sitting in the backyard, I was lost in the beauty of the  sky, not expecting any company. However, I couldn't shake the feeling that I wasn't alone. And then, as I turned my gaze, I was met with the presence of Asher, standing there in the serene evening sunlight.

The light illuminated Asher's features, and even in the gentle glow, his striking beauty was undeniable. His chiseled jawline, dark hair, and intense green eyes had a magnetic quality that drew you in.

He was dressed impeccably, as always, in a well-fitted suit that exuded confidence and refinement. The sleek lines and tailored cut of his attire only emphasized his elegance and sophistication. It was a reminder that Asher Carter, despite our complex history and the uncertainties of our future, possessed a beauty and presence that left an indelible impression.

Our eyes met in the moonlit silence, a connection that needed no words. In that moment, I heard him whisper "beautiful," and my cheeks couldn't help but blush a shade of crimson.

As Asher walked closer, my heart quickened its pace, as if it was trying to keep up with the whirlwind of emotions that this encounter brought. I snapped out of my trance, fully aware of the proximity between us.

A charged atmosphere crackled between us, as if we were two magnets drawn together, unable to resist the pull.The charged moment between us was abruptly broken when Asher's phone rang, its sudden intrusion jolting us back to reality.My frustration surged as I overheard Asher's conversation on the phone. It became evident that the caller was Maya, the same model with whom he had been seen having lunch, as reported in the recent article.

The call with Maya was brief, and Asher ended it rather quickly. As Asher ended the call with Maya, I couldn't contain my curiosity and the complexities of my emotions. With a slightly raised eyebrow, I asked, "Is she your girlfriend?"Asher couldn't help but be amused by my question, and he responded with a teasing tone, "Careful, Blue, I'd say you're jealous and no, she's not my girlfriend "

I replied with a scoff, "Jealous? Not in the least." As he continued to smirk, I couldn't help but wish that I could wipe that self-satisfied expression from his face.

I turned to him and said with firmness in my voice "From this point on, Carter, you should remain loyal to our commitment." In a cold and detached tone, Asher replied, "Fine, Audrey. We'll both do the same." Asher's voice remained cold and distant as he added, "Just remember, Audrey, don't do anything that damages my reputation." I nodded, my voice just as chilly as his. "Likewise, Asher," I replied.

With a light and teasing tone, Sophia called out, "Lovebirds, dinner's ready. Join us, won't you?" Her words carried a playful hint, breaking the tension that had hung in the air during our conversation.

Asher and I exchanged a meaningful look, a silent agreement not to let our conversation mess up the evening. With a shared understanding, we both turned and headed inside.

As I entered the dining room, I greeted the Carters with a warm smile. Amelia, Asher's mother, greeted me with a warm smile and complimented, "You look beautiful, dear. You can stop calling me Mrs. Carter. Just call me Amelia or even 'mom' if you prefer." Richard greeted me warmly and added in a playful tone, "And remember, you should only address me as 'Dad' from now on."Laughter filled the room as everyone, including me, joined in at Richard's playful comment.

Asher's gaze met mine, and for a fleeting second, our eyes locked. Yet, as quickly as it happened, we both averted our gaze, returning to the lighthearted atmosphere of the moment. As Asher and I took our seats beside each other at the dining table,I couldn't help but wish I could be anywhere but there.

Our knees accidentally touched each other and I moved my chair to avoid any further contact. Throughout the dinner our hands brushed accidentally when we tried to reach for any dish.I could sense Asher's body stiffening with the contact, and his face taking on a faint blush. In response, my own cheeks turned a shade of red as I felt flustered.

As the dinner came to an end, we all moved to the living room to enjoy dessert. Richard smiled and said, "By the way, everyone, we're planning an engagement party for Addy and Asher next week. It's going to be a wonderful celebration." The announcement of the engagement party was met with cheers and happiness from everyone in the room.

Despite the cheerful atmosphere and the excitement of the engagement party announcement, I couldn't help but feel my mood turn sour.Sophia, noticed the shift in my mood and decided to lighten the atmosphere. She playfully asked Asher about the chocolates, adding, "Those chocolates look delicious, Asher. For whom did you bring them?" Her teasing tone drew a few chuckles from those in the room.

Asher, taken aback by Sophia's question, looked momentarily shocked. The unexpected inquiry about the chocolates left him searching for words, and I couldn't help but chuckle at his reaction.After a moment of surprise, Asher finally responded, "I brought these chocolates for Addy."

Asher's words drew the attention of everyone in the room, and as they turned to look at me, I felt the weight of their collective gaze. In that moment, I took the chocolates from Asher, and with a polite smile, I excused myself from the room and made my way to my bedroom.

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