Chapter 19

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A powerless Naruto could only watch as the girl rose from the ground, red flames enveloping her body like a dark aura, her eyes blazing with an intensity he had never seen before. The girl was enveloped in some translucent red coat, around which bubbles of chakra started to form. But what truly horrified Naruto was the four tails which had sprouted from the girl's body. 

"Four tails ?" Naruto exclaimed to himself. 

This was not good. At all. He remembered all too well the chaos Yura's one tail form had once brought, and he didn't want to imagine what 4 tails would do. 

Naruto's heart sank as he watched the monstrosity that had taken over his friend's body. He knew all too well the danger of losing control to the tailed beasts within, having himself been in a similar situation on his journey with Jiraya. But seeing Yura in this state, consumed by rage and power, filled him with a sense of dread. Even with all his training and experience, Naruto felt a sense of helplessness wash over him. He had always prided himself on his ability to protect those he cared about, but in this moment, he could do nothing but watch as Yura descended further into darkness. As much as he wanted to intervene, he knew that he was powerless in this situation. 

"Kakashi-sensei is the only one who can stop this, he thought. If only him or Jiraya-sensei had been there... One of them would know what to do." 

Deidara hesitantly stepped back, caught off guard by this brand new appearance. He raised another of his explosive weapon defensively. 

- So that's the power of a tailed beast, uh... He whispered, his eyes widened in amazement. This is starting to get interesting... 

Deidara hastily hurled his explosive weapon towards the beast, hoping to stop her advance, but she deftly dodged it, her movements fluid and precise, now charging ferociously towards the man. 

"Welp, nevermind ! That's definitely beyond my level", the blonde was forced to admit to himself, as he grinned. "Dammit, why is it always me who has to deal with this kind of stuff in this stupid organization. Couldn't they send Hidan or something-"

Deidara carefully dodged an orbe the beast had thrown right at him, and that is the moment he decided to withdraw. He wouldn't take unnecessary risks, he had already filled his part of the mission anyways, the Five Tails was on Itachi and Kisame's agenda. 

- Yeah, I'm just gonna leave your case to Itachi, as it was planned, the blonde yelled as he jumped on his white bird that had once again seemed to appear out of nowhere. 

Naruto's eyes widened as he saw the bird fly away. 

"He's retreating ?" The boy thought to himself.

He only got for an answer a loud, demonic growl, and he immediately turned his attention back to the beast which stood a few meters away, its eyes now locked on the young boy. 

"She's not gonna attack me now... Is she ?!" 

Naruto teeth were clenched and he could hear his heart pounding in his chest. He knew that it wasn't Yura, but he didn't want to fight her at the same time. Hell, he didn't even stand a chance, to be honest, especially if he did not intend on harming her in any way.  

Naruto only stood there, standing protectively in front of Shikamaru's limp body, closing his eyes and bracing himself for whatever was to come.

... But it never did. 

After a few seconds of utter silence, Naruto carefully opened his eyes, just in time to his friend, who had retrieved her normal form, fading out of consciousness. But as her limp body was about to hit the ground, Kakashi's arms instinctively reaching out to catch her.  He held her protectively against his chest as Asuma and the rest of the shinobis came rushing from the forest. 

- Kakashi-sensei ! Naruto cried, reliefed. 

- What happened to the other one ? Kakashi urged, looking around them nervously. 

- We took care of it, we won't cause anymore trouble, Asuma replied as he crouched next to his unconscious student, worry etched on his face as he glanced at Yura's pale complexion. What the hell happened ? He asked urgently.

Kakashi shook his head, his brows furrowed in deep concern. But as he was about to tell Asuma what he maybe should have told him years ago about his dear student, a panicked voice erupted from behind them. 

- Sensei ! Sakura yelled, her voice tinged with worry. Shikamaru needs medical care... now ! 

She desperately tried to apply her basic medical ninjutsu to try and heal the young boy's wounds, but he was simply bleeding out, and the entire situation was far beyond her skillset. 

 - We need to get those two proper medical care, Asuma said decisively, his voice laced with urgency. Now.  

With Yura still unconscious in his arms, Kakashi followed Asuma and the rest as they hurried back to the nearest medical facility, their minds racing with worry and unanswered questions.

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