Chapter 18

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As she opened her eyes, the girl found herself laying at the center of a vast, echoing chamber, its walls stretching infinitely in the distance. The place was bathed in a soft, eerie light that emanated from no discernible source.

- What the hell... the girl muttered as she painfully straightened up, massaging her head.

Where was she..? She was just fighting with that blonde psycho in the forest but now... This place looked nothing like a forest.

- Oi, Child.

Yura froze.

The girl slowly turned around, as the voice sounded like it came from right behind her. 

Her eyes widened in astonishment, as she took in her surroundings. In front of her loomed an imposing structure that looked like a cage. Behind the shiny bars, the enfolding obscurity prevented her from distinguishing a thing, but she could easily guess what was lurking in the shadows.

- At last we meet.

- I know who you are... the girl said confidently as she stoop up, her eyes locked on the scroll firmly attached to the prison bars. You are Gobi, the five tailed bijuu.

A sinister chuckle rose from the darkness, and the girl felt a shiver run down her spine.

- My, my. So humans aren't as clueless as I thought, it seems.

- What do you want, she simply replied, her teeth clenched.

- Aren't you the feisty one ? the voice replied, amused. I would expect someone talking to a thousand years old entity to be a little more respectful. But come closer, don't be afraid...

The voice of the demon echoed in the room. It seemed to emanate from every corner of the chamber, surrounding her like a chorus of whispers. 

- What the hell do you want ! She repeated. 

But with each word, Yura felt herself inexplicably drawn closer to the cage, her steps guided by an irresistible force. 

- Good, even closer... the demon lured her in the shadows.

She approached even closer to the barrier, her footsteps echoing loudly in the vast emptiness of the chamber.

- I want you to give yourself up to me, the creature said maliciously. After all, I am the darkness that dwells within you. I am your true nature. I am a part of you, Yura. One you can no longer hide, now that everyone knows who you truly are...

The girl reached out tentatively, her fingers brushing against the surface of the barrier, and she felt a jolt of energy course through her veins, immediately pulling her hand back, as if struck by a poisonous force. 

- I am not stupid, Yura snapped, coming back to her senses. If you think I'm gonna buy this stupid lie. I know you just want to take over my body and regain your full power. And I also know what would happen if I ever let you do that.

The creature growled in the shadows.

- Are you really going to stand there and let your friend's death mean nothing ? If you let me, I will avenge his death. I will destroy this pathetic blonde nuisance, roared the beast from behind the bars.

- Yes, and destroy everything else on the way ! The girl cried out, frenetically shaking her head, as if to prevent herself from yielding to temptation. 

- But you are weak, Yura. You can't possibly wish to avenge your friend with that pitiful strength of yours. The only thing you will manage to do is get yourself captured. But if you do let me, I will take down those people who hurt your Kazekage friend. And the brown haired one... 

She knew better than to listen to the demon's temptations, but at that moment, the consuming anger and burning desire to avenge her friend was clouding her vision, and she could not think straight. She wanted to make him pay. Him, who had first thought he could simply walk into Suna, bring chaos and ruthlessly murder their friend. And now Shikamaru... 

How dare he. 

With a sob, the girl fell to her knees. She couldn't protect him. She couldn't prevent him from jumping in front of her and take in the blast of the explosion for her She wasn't strong enough... 

But the Gobi was. 

And as she just sat there, helplessly, her entire soul consumed by grief and rage, she felt the presence of the Five-Tails growing stronger behind her. The temptation to let him take over and unleash its power was almost overwhelming. 

She tried fighting the urge, knowing damn well the consequences of succumbing to the demon's influence, but with each second that passed, her resolve weakened, and she felt herself growing closer and closer to darkness. 

"You fool..."  

The Beast Inside (Shikamaru x OC)Where stories live. Discover now