Chapter 8

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The next morning, Yura woke up earlier than usual. She even woke up before Kakashi, as she could still hear him snoring from her room. For a while, she just laid there, on her bed, staring at the ceiling. 

In two days, her and her comrades of Team 10 would leave to the Land of Rivers, on a B-rank mission. Yesterday, Naruto had mentioned the beauty of this land he had the opportunity to visit during his journey with Jiraya-sensei, with its stunning waterfalls and dreamy lagoons. 

Yura turned back in her bed and stared outside the window. Kakashi's apartment was located in the higher neighborhoods of Konoha, and from there, the view was breathtaking. She sat up on her bed and smiled at the panoramic view she had over the village she considered her home. 

The Leaf had taken her under its wings when she was only a child, and she was eternally grateful for the village, and Lord Third. Often, she'd wondered about her family, her true origins, but she knew the subject was taboo, with Kakashi and everyone else, really. When she was little and asked about her parents, adults would change the subject. Over time, she'd grown accustomed to it and stopped trying to get information. She knew it was a lost cause.

Though, while she adored Konoha, Yura was eager to leave her routine for a while, and explore new territories. She had always been quite the explorer. As a child already, she would often wander around the village, and explore new places, always making Kakashi worried to death. With Team 10, they often had the opportunity to travel, though most of the time missions were limited to the Land of Fire. Though, she had been to the Land of Wind once, when her friend Gaara became the Kazekage of Suna. 

Kiri, Iwa, Kumo... her goal was to travel to all the main shinobi villages. Discover their culture, meet new people, see the world. 

Yura sighed as she stood up. The Land of Rivers would just have have to do for now. 

After a quick stop in the bathroom, she rapidly got dressed and but her sandals on. As she opened the front door, the matinal breeze hit her face gently, and she smiled. She had decided to get to the training fields early and practice a little on her own. Her conversation with Naruto about holding back had kept her awake last night, as memories of that one day came back abruptly. 

That horrible day. 

As she sprinted towards the training fields, Yura glanced at the Hokage faces sculpted on the rock. Everyone knew about the legendary Minato Namikaze, who gave his life to contain the nine tails, and sealed it in a newborn, on that dreadful night sixteen years ago. 

The entire village knew about that story. Everyone knew about the nine tails, and what that beast was capable of.

Destruction. Wreckage. Distress. 

And well, everyone knew about Naruto, and he was despised for it. Although throughout the years, this discrimination had gotten slightly less worse than it used to be, the boy would still get insisting glances in the streets, and villagers would take a few steps back when he would walk past them. 

As if the weight of bearing such a monstrosity inside him wasn't enough. Hell, the boy truly had been through a lot. But Yura... 

Yura's case was nothing like Naruto's. While the two young ninjas both were hosts to tailed beasts, the difference laid in the fact that everyone was aware about Naruto, while no one knew about Yura. 

No one except a very limited amount of people. 

***9 years ago***

- Who is that ? 

Seven years old Yura frowned at the blonde kid standing in front of her. His green shirt had a red spiral drawn on it, and it looked like he had some kind of cat whiskers on his cheeks. 

"How weird" she thought. 

- This is Naruto, Kakashi-sensei smiled, as he invited Yura to get closer to the boy. He is your age. I thought you two could get along.  

- Nice to meet you, the boy grinned, raising his arm as if to shake her hand. 

The little girl recoiled slightly, taken aback by the sudden gesture, but Kakashi put a comforting hand on her shoulder, indicating it was okay. 

- Yura, the girl said, finally shaking the boy's hand. 

She then tilted her head to the side, brows frowned. 

- What's with your cheeks... Are you a cat of something ? She asked, seriously. 

Naruto frowned, genuinely upset by the comment. 

- Oi, I'm not a cat, I just have whiskers, that's all, 'ttebayo ! He crossed his arms, pouting. 

The girl chuckled at that comment. 

"He's funny", she thought. 

Suddenly, Naruto's eyes widened when he noticed what the young girl was holding in her left hand. 

- You have a teddy bear... the little boy whispered. 

He never had a teddy bear. 

Yura held her plushie proudly. 

- Gokuo's not a bear, he's a magical pony, the little girl corrected. 

- How did you come up with that strange name ? Naruto frowned, taking a closer look at the 'pony'. 

- It spoke to me in a dream... the girl shrugged, as if it was the most normal thing. 

- And how exactly is 'Gokuo' magical ? The little boy asked, crossing his arms, unconvinced. 

Yura grinned. 

- He's the strongest, she replied fiercely. He can wipe out forests with his five tails... At least that's what he told me. 

- He told you this in your dreams ? Naruto frowned. That's weird, I also sometimes speak with an animal in my dreams. I mean, mine is a fox but... 

- Why don't you two go play with Gokuo, then ? Kakashi offered, interrupting their discussion hastily.  

The two kids nodded energetically and sprinted towards the playground, Yura firmly holding her dear plushie close to her chest. 

"That pony plushie", Kakashi thought, as he observed the two play from afar. "It was with her when we found her. The only thing we found, actually. And now she says its speaks to her in her dreams..."

Kakashi shrugged. He would have to look into this more into details later. For now, keeping an eye on the two children was what truly mattered. He would eventually have to include Naruto in the confidence regarding Yura's condition, considering he was himself also a jinchuuriki. However, that was not on today's schedule. For now, he wished to let the two get to know each other, and in a way, he was somehow glad that Yura's presence meant that Naruto would not be the only one having to bear such a weight. That did not mean that Kakashi was happy that yet another child was forced to carry such a monstrosity, not at all. 

But now at least, they would each have someone else in this world that could fully understand the other, and they would never feel alone anymore. 

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