Chapter 12

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*A few days earlier*

In a location not far from the border separating the countries of Fire and Wind, a figure lurked in the shadows. The sound of footsteps echoed in the cave.

- I have news, echoed a monotone voice, as if it came from within the walls. 

It only took a few seconds for a humanoid shape to appear, emerging from the cave floor. Semi-human in appearance, the thing resembled some sort of carnivorous plant, with a black and white face and limbs.

- I'm waiting for your report, replied another voice, equally sinister.

-  Her name is Yura. Kunoichi of Konoha and host of the five-tailed demon, Gobi. She was recently promoted to the rank of Chunin and operates in Asuma Sarutobi's team alongside two other shinobi of the same age.

- Sarutobi Asuma... That name sounds familiar, repeated the man in the long black coat.

- He is a former warrior and member of the Twelve Guardian Ninja of the Fire Temple, spoke the female voice. Dreadful, undoubtedly.

- I must also add that the host is under the guardianship of Hatake Kakashi, her legal tutor after the disappearance of her biological parents.

- Hatake Kakashi. The Copy Ninja... Pain repeated . And Sarutobi Asuma.

- Not to mention the presence of two members of the Legendary Sanins, the current Hokage Tsunade, grand daughter of Hashirama Senju, and the hermit Jiraya, as well as a multitude of other trained shinobi ready to counter any threat. 

At the mention of Jiraya's name, the leader flinched slightly, but quickly regained composure.

- It's not going to be easy, acknowledged the young woman, crossing her arms.

- It's complex indeed, but not impossible. A voice echoed behind them, and they saw advancing in the darkness none other than Itachi Uchiha, infamously known for the complete massacre of his own clan, with the exception of his younger brother, Sasuke.

- You must know a thing or two about Konoha's security system, guessed a young man with long blond hair, tied in a ponytail. He was leaning against the cave wall, busy kneading a ball of white clay between his hands. Itachi simply nodded, then looked away.

- It's settled then. Itachi, you will come up with an operational plan to achieve our goal. If possible, kill two birds with one stone, so we can move on from Konoha to the next village. Understood ? 

The latter nodded and withdrew without saying a word.

- This guy is weird, cursed the blonde, who had managed to mold a bird out of white clay. He held it in the palm of his hand, admiring it.

- He hardly speaks, and when he does, his vocabulary is reduced to "yes," "no," "understood," he continued. 

The one named Hidan stifled a chuckle, while Pain simply gave him a dark look. He fell silent instantly.

- This is not the time for jokes, Deidara. We have a lot to do, and a deadline to meet, growled the leader's voice, echoing throughout the cave. 

The blond nodded, rolling his eyes. Fortunately for him, in the darkness, no one could distinguish his insolence.

- I want each of you to leave immediately for the village assigned you, spoke the leader. You all have a mission to accomplish, and I won't tolerate any failure. There's no room for delays. 

Hidan rose slowly, massaging his neck, before grabbing his three-bladed scythe. His partner had just finished ordering his money in a black briefcase, which he closed before also standing up. 

They all had in mind their mission and a clearly defined common goal. 

To capture all the tailed beasts. 

Until the last one.

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