Arjun likes Meera

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Meera was happy that she had got her book back! She sat there and started looking at it. Every page was added very neatly. After some time, when Nidhi came, seeing me happy, she asked, “What is the matter, you look very happy!”

“Look, our book!”, Meera said while presenting the book in front of Nidhi.
"Oh wow ! How did this happen?”, Nidhi said chirping

“When we came up, Arjun ji had left from here, maybe he had done it!”, Meera said
“Wow, so sweet of him, I did not know that Arjun bhaiya does anything like this!”, Nidhi said mischievously. Said smilingly,

“What Khichdi is cooking in your mind?”, Meera said
“I think Arjun bhaiya likes you!”, Nidhi said smilingly.

“Are you saying anything, they have just helped us normally, friend, it is nothing like you are thinking!”, Meera said worriedly.

“Man, it would be so good if you become my sister-in-law and come to this house forever!”, Nidhi said while making a stew of thoughts,
“Why are you talking like this? There is nothing like that!”, Meera said irritably but Nidhi was enjoying teasing her and said, “Tomorrow itself, I will tell everyone in the house about Arjun bhaiya!”

“We don't want to talk to you!” Meera said angrily and got up and went towards the door, as soon as she opened the door she collided with Arjun coming from the front.

“Nidhi, you have charged my lappi!”, Arjun said coming inside but the further words got stuck in his throat. He looked at Meera and said, "Sorry, I didn't pay attention!!" Saying this, Arjun moved away from Meera and came towards Nidhi and said, “Where is the laptop charger?”

Nidhi was smiling mischievously looking at Meera standing at the door. She pointed towards the charger kept on the table with her hand. Arjun picked it up and went out with it! Meera closed the door back and came and sat on the bed silently. Nidhi came to him and said, “Hey man, I was just joking, now smile!”

Seeing Meera silent, Nidhi started tickling her and finally Meera laughed. Both the friends sat together and started studying. The next day both of them went to college together! Meera slowly started mingling with everyone. Sitting near grandmother, she always used to tell some story or the other. Everyone in the house liked her, even Raghu used to do all the work for her by calling her Didi Didi. There was only one Akshat from whom Meera kept avoiding.

On Sunday evening Meera was wandering from here to there outside the room in the hall with a book in her hand. As soon as Nidhi came up, she saw Meera and came to her and asked, “What happened?”

Meera showed Nidhi a chapter of the book and said, “I can't understand this!”
“Just that little thing! Bring it, let me explain”, saying this Nidhi took the book and started looking at the chapters but the next moment she realized that it was really tough. She looked at Meera and said innocently, “Dude, even I don't know this!”

“Hmmmm, we will ask sir tomorrow!”, Meera said and wanted to take it back but Nidhi said, “Wait! Arjun bhaiya's English is very good, he will explain!”
Before Meera could stop her, Nidhi, passing by, said to Arjun, “Arjun bhaiya, just listen!”
Hearing Nidhi's voice, Arjun came there and said, "Yes Nidhi!"

“Meera is not able to understand a topic, please explain!”, Nidhi said lovingly.
If it is about Meera and our Arjun bhaiya refuses then it may be good. Arjun immediately agreed and looking at the book from Meera said, “This is very easy!” Come!”

“Nidhi, you also did not understand the topic, come on, you also see!”, saying this, Meera forcefully brought Nidhi along with her and all three sat on the chairs.

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