lovely meera🥰

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And said, "Bring some clothes and give us!"

"Oh no no didi, these are Akshat Baba's clothes! We will have to keep them. He doesn't like anyone touching his things!"

When Meera heard it, she found it very strange and she started wondering, "Is this Akshat, after all?"

"Do you want something, Didi?" Raghu's voice broke Meera's trance and she slowly shook her head in no. She came inside, there were potted plants in the balcony, Meera came towards them. She removed the spoiled leaves, cleaned the pots and started watering them. Grandfather had come from outside and was watching Meera doing all this work for a long time.

Grandfather's eyes were getting relief seeing Meera irrigating the plants with great love. He came to Meera and sitting on the chair she was lying, said, "After a long time, I have seen someone working so leisurely!"

"Hey Grandpa you!", Meera said after hearing Dadu's voice, "You call me Dadu like everyone else, it feels like belonging! Well, you have come to this house only today and have busy yourself in work!" Grandfather said very lovingly

"We like to do all these things Dadu, plants are also like humans, just like a sad person does not like, in the same way a withered plant also does not like! And our mother used to say that withered plants

Keeping it at home is not a good omen!”, Meera said in a low voice while caressing the small flower on the plant.

"You are a very intelligent girl, 11! Akshat had brought these plants intact when we all went to Banaras last year. He had bought them on the way back from there. It is a different matter that after bringing them home, that worthless person did not take care of them. !”, Grandfather said!

Hearing Akshat's name from Grandfather's mouth, the same two eyes started roaming in Meera's mind again. Seeing him silent, grandfather said, “You do it, I will leave!” Grandfather left from there, Meera sat there and started thinking about Akshat! Whose name she had been hearing since morning but whom she had not seen! "O Meera, what are you doing there?

You?" said Nidhi coming from outside who had some bags in her hand.

Seeing Nidhi there, Meera got up, washed her hands and came into the hall. When Meera came to Nidhi, Nidhi extended a notebook to her and said, "Here are your back notes of one month."

"Where did you get these from?", Meera said with surprise!

"Meet Vineet today in the market. When I told him that Meera had not come to college for a month, he happily gave me his notes!" Nidhi keeping the bag on the sofa.

"Why did you do this? You should not have taken notes from him!", Meera said seriously.

"Ohhh come on Meera everyone knows Vineet likes you and that's why he Have given your notes!”, said Nidhi

“We will return it to him tomorrow!”, said Meera.

“Your wish!”, Nidhi said on the sofa.

But said while sitting! Meera placed the book on the table and sat next to Nidhi. Taking out a packet of chocolates from a bag, Nidhi said, "Will you eat?"

"You know we don't like chocolates!", Meera said.

"You are the eighth wonder of the world, ahhh like Akshat bhaiya! Which means you will be the first girl in the world who doesn't like chocolates.. Anyway, I had brought this for Akshat bhaiya, he likes dark chocolate very much!", Nidhi said. Putting the piece in his mouth he said!

Till now everyone is talking about Akshat.

Meera was tired of hearing the name and this time Nidhi had even told it like Akshat! Meera got up and went away from there! Nidhi was very surprised when Meera left and surprised words came out of her mouth, "Now what happened to him? Well, first let me eat the chocolate and then I will ask!" Nidhi put another piece in her mouth!

It was already evening and the cold was also increasing! Meera took out her cream colored sweater kept in the cupboard and came downstairs wearing it. Grandmother was performing evening aarti in the puja room. Grandfather was sitting in the hall watching the news on TV and while worshiping him, grandmother was also interrupting him, "Lower your voice!"

But not even a louse crawls on grandfather's ears! Meera smiled after seeing this scene! Raghu was cleaning the plates kept on the table in the dining area located a short distance away from the hall. His attention was less on the table and more on the news and his facial expressions were also changing accordingly. Meera came to him and in a gesture asked him to sit there and watch TV and took a cloth from his hand and started wiping the plate herself. Raghu smiled at this behavior of Meera. From there Meera came towards the kitchen and stopped at the door. Seeing him standing at the door, Radha said, "Why are you standing outside?" Meera didn't say anything maybe she

Radha was hesitant to say When she saw his face, she understood his problem and said, “You must be thinking that we are Brahmins and you are Rajputs, should we come inside the kitchen or not, that is the point, isn't it?”

"Yes, we are definitely Rajputs but we are vegetarians!", Meera said softly.

"No problem, come inside!", Radha said smilingly.

Meera came inside, the kitchen was as big as a room! All the stuff was arranged in an organized manner. Seeing the kitchen, Meera knew that Radha liked cleanliness. She was watching everything in the kitchen very carefully! Then his eyes fell on the coffee mug kept on the rack in front of him. Meera picked it up, it had a picture of some boy on it but the face was not visible.

He had his hands completely in front of his face so that only his eyes were visible. When Meera turned around, there was a message written on the back - My eyes are enough for you to fall in love with me (My eyes are enough for you to fall in love with me) When Meera read it, she felt very strange, as soon as she turned, Radha She was standing behind and before Meera could ask, she took a picture of the mug and pointing to it, said, "My younger son Akshat, he doesn't like getting pictures taken at all. This was taken by Nidhi on his last birthday and gifted to him!"

Meera again heard something new about Akshat and felt irritated inside. Seeing Meera silent, Radha
Said, "Put it there!"

"Hmm!", saying this, Meera turned and shook her hand hard, just like we throw something, but she did not throw the mug but put it back! Radha was busy in cutting vegetables, then Meera came near her and said, "We Let me help you!"

"No son, I have done everything, I just have to prepare something for Grandpa! You will have some tea and coffee", Radha said.

“No aunty, we would have liked to have helped you, anyway ever since we came we have been feeling like a guest!”, Meera said innocently.

"Okay, that's it! Then do one thing, cut the raw coconut kept there into small pieces." Akshat

He likes coconut chutney very much, he will be happy”, Radha said while putting the vegetables in the pot.

"Hmm!", Meera said and picked up the knife and moved towards the coconut. She picked up a piece of coconut and moved the knife on it as if it was Akshat's neck and not a coconut. This single name had probably troubled her more than ever in her life. No one could have done it! No one knew what would happen when the person whose name troubled Meera so much would come in front of her! After cutting the coconut, Meera came out! She helped Radha to put the food on the dining table and then went to wash her hands and face. When she looked at herself in the mirror after washing her face, the expression of distress was clearly visible on her face.

While wiping, she started saying to herself in her mind - What is this Akshat? His name is on everyone's lips in the house, everyone just talks about his happiness. Can't figure out whether it is good or bad? And then these strange thoughts of his, who is this Akshat?

            Thank you for reading
            (Along with Meera, now you too must be wondering what is the matter with Akshat? You all must be as anxious to meet our Akshat ji as is our Meera! This period of waiting will end soon. Till then keep reading. Stay 'Kitni Mohabbat Hai' with me!)🥰

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