Chapter Sixteen

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You could feel the sensation of asphyxiation, the wires binding your oxygen, but there was little to no pain.

The ride was short, and frankly you were in a state of disbelief.

Why did Owen turn away...? Did he not recognize you? Is he... mad at you..?

Your thoughts were interrupted by the dragging of your weak body out of the van and onto concrete floor.

You hadn't even realized the doors to the van had opened because you were now in the very large garage of a building. You'd expected to be shocked by bright lights, but the building is dimmed.

Dimmed, but not quiet.

Moaning and cries of pain, it sounded like entering hell.

A man was standing, inspecting all the affairs of the garage, a computer atop a rolling stand beside him.

He had a very unprofessional feel about him, like he was only there because he had to be. He stood lazily yet confidently, spotting your guards and pointed to a door on the right of the garage.

He followed and had a tired way of walking, not like he was physically tired, but more like he was done with his job.

Once he'd began walking, his messy umber hair bounced behind him. Despite that fact his hair was long and not tied back at all, it mostly behaved and remained behind him. You couldn't see his entire face, as he wore a mask, but he has a slender figure and a strong build.

He didn't bother rolling the stand in front of him, barely holding onto it with one hand.

Hauled across the concrete flooring with no ability to move, you were pulled into a room with two doors on two adjacent walls.

The strange man placed a hand on the back of his neck, stretching, "Alright. You may leave..." he ordered the soldiers who released their poles.

Immediately, you dug your dirtied fingers into your wounds and tore out the wires, causing the blood that's built from pressure to pool out.

If it weren't for the fact that the thick fluid was blood, you might've been somewhat soothes by the mild warmth.

You'd begun to stand, but we're shocked to be quickly assaulted with a hose.

Frigid water encased you and halted your breath for a moment, a result of shock.

Yet, you didn't react with hostility. He's treating you like an animals, why grant him the pleasure of being right?

Once the onslaught of water stopped for a moment, you only stood.

"Was that necessary?" You asked, less of a real question and more of display of your exhaustion, a testament to how you don't intend on fighting.

The man paused, though his expression didn't change.

Really looking at him. He was a strangely ethereal man. His eye lids dropped down and his vibrant ocher eyes nearly glowed. His eye lashes were extraordinary as well.

Closing his eyes for a moment, he turned to the side, adjusting the hose's temperature to however he pleased, "My name is Doctor River. Address me as such or face consequences. Of the nature of said consequence, I don't know nor do I care. You'll be under my care and I've clearance to experiment on you as I please and however I wish to do so. I am free of any and all restrictions. I've no desire to make your rotting life difficult, as that'll only make mine more difficult. Cooperate."

River's voice was breathy and droning, but still harmonious. A more accurate way of describing his voice is to say that he'd make a good story reader.

"I don't recall being uncooperative." You responded.

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