Chapter Two

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You'd been awoken by someone, someone frantic or mad, rapping at your door. Perhaps only an hour before sunset.

You live on an uneventful street so had opened the door without a thought. You'd believed it was just one of Gabriel's friends.

But when you opened the door and allowed the red light of sunlight to spill into your home you were met by a familiar face.

A familiar, but unwelcome face.

Stood in the doorway was a madman. A psycho by the name of Leo.

His once brown hair was now sporting a sickly white and great color despite being younger than you.

His once dark green eyes damn near glowed, an unnatural radioactive look.

All this, and yet what scared you most was that his porcelain skin was now marred in several places. Parts so red from wounds that they blended into the red sky.

The scar above his eyebrow was familiar to you, but the long line of sternum scarring he presented proudly was new.

His scantily clad body panted and he smiled happily at you.

"My love! I'm so happy to see you after so long. Come, we have to go." Leo didn't wait for an answer, reaching out with his scarred hand to drag you out himself.

Immediately you jumped back. Frightening images of the person you remember he was prevented you from wanting to be anywhere near him.

"Don't touch me! I'm gonna call the cops." you spoke matter of factly before trying to shut the door.

With an unhinged laugh, Leo allowed you to slam the door on his hand that kept you from blocking him out.

"The cops? They're busy at the moment, my love. I'm the least of their concern." Leo informed you, almost like he was taunting you.

"Screw off, I don't believe you!" you yelled at Leo, trying to push the door closed.

Leo went completely silent, a telltale sign that he was thinking of how to deal with the 'situation'. While usually a healthy solution to prevent drastic behaviors, in Leo's case whatever he comes up with is sure to be exceedingly more dangerous than what he'd have come up with without much thought.

Leo held the door eerily still, keeping it open by a whole foot, with nearly inhuman strength. He didn't seem to struggle at all. The longer he was silent, the more anxious you got.

"Fine." Leo spoke, releasing the door and letting to close it, "Perhaps a good scare will knock some sense into you. I'll be back in a few days, my love! Hold out until then, love you!" Leo went from his creepy silence to his usual peppy and happy tone.

You heard his steps recede down the walkway and, upon peeking out the window, confirmed his departure.

You had thought things couldn't have gotten worse than night.


Gabriel cried hysterically, a sobbing mess you couldn't understand.

"It's ok hun, it's alright. I can't understand you when you're sobbing. Take a deep breath a try to explain what's wrong?" you directed him.

"I'll tell you what's wrong! That little shit knocked down my beer!" A member of Belles family, her father you believed, yelled.

"I don't give two shits you fat fuck! You don't go around bullying kids for honest mistakes! Your beer doesn't ma-" you had begun to yell at him.

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