Chapter Seven

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OMG "If I Killed Someone For You" randomly played while I was writing and Its PERFECT for Leo honestly.

Except Leo is crazy haha

It was night. You weren't sure what time at night but what you did know was that no one was where they were supposed to be.

Everybody was sleeping in the living room. Or at least you were mostly sure they were. Fern was a light sleeper and Owen was usually awake at night.

Gabriel was of course sleeping too. You were thankful he could get some sleep. You had stood in the hallway entrance and watched him sleep for a while. You wanted to really make sure he was okay.

He definitely seemed tired, but at least he was sleeping.

Yet Gabriel wasn't your only worry. You knew and acknowledged the risk of staying of with people you didn't know. While not necessarily bad people, they were hiding something.

You hated the feeling of being lied to. It was like an anger would create deep gnashes in the caverns of your mind and soul. Though if you said anything you were you'd just about bite their heads off.

Perhaps that was another thing Leo had passed off to you...

He was a liar after all...


In books and media the characters always describe their traumatizing events as "vivid" or "like it was yesterday".

But that wasn't the case. It was like a clouded monotone swirl that coated every memory. You couldn't even remember what expression you made, what other people's expressions were.

It was like you could recall being crushed by the weight of crimes that weren't even yours, like you were looking at it through a screen.

Like that person who was so scared once wasn't you.

So weak.

You were so weak than.

Little weak child.

Child who could only whine and cry about their lack of friends.

When their only friend was a murderer.

"We're so sorry Miss (Y/N)..."

Their voices. You couldn't even remember what they sounded like.

The police office was cold. You were cold.

Frigid even.

You'd called the police after Leo had collapsed that night. You had sobbed and lamented your returned feelings for nearly fifteen minutes.


That pisses you off...

He didn't deserve that love. You thank Caroline he wasn't awake. It was her who stabbed him after all.

You don't recall how nor why you asked to see the videos of the fight.

That night, Spencer and Caroline didn't forget you. Not at all.

They prepared meticulously for you to join them. They were excited.

All for you.

Than that selfish shit Leo found out.

The fear and denial you had felt about Leo's supposed murders left your body in moments. Spirited away in seconds.

When you saw those videos.


When you saw everything. You were revolted.

The video. That video... You still remember.

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