Chapter Fourteen

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Agonizingly enough, your life goes on.

As one might've easily guessed, being an agriculturist is not only demanding but also filled with the people who could not get good jobs.

The people too rebellious for red or yellow and too stupid for dealing with people.

It's the ultimate shut up.

The job only consisted of dealing with plants, obviously. The two-week training is virtually useless given that the only particular directive is the pesticides for the plants. This said you've been having to lug yourself in and out of the green classroom.

And not only that, a recent outbreak has happened too. Somehow, people are getting infected from within the walls of the school, which resulted in a few things.

One, the way you and the other infected are dealt with by the supervisors has changed. Two, you're being relentlessly pestered by people who believe that the infected within the walls are to blame. And three, your beloved cat has gone missing.

Oh, and May has gone missing too. But mostly the cat.

You might have believed Bear had simply run away, but you keep spotting the cat from somewhere in the walls. For a few days now, you've been skipping classes to go chase your cat through the halls.

It's not that Bear is being particular and simply running away from you, rather it seems like Bear is chasing something.

It's an annoying task but so long as your cat is okay. But whoever stole your cat and lost it in the school is another issue entirely.

As your homeroom prepared to go to their first and only class, you prepared to sneak off.

"Hey, Asher. I'm going to look for Bear, I'll see you later."

"Ok.... Let me know if you see May."

"... I will..."

Asher has been deeply saddened by May's disappearance. Sure, if you wanted to you could go deep into thought about what gruesome things could've potentially happened to her like Asher, but you aren't a masochist.

As you slipped out the door and turned to go the opposite way you were stopped by an arm.

"Why am I getting reports that you aren't showing up to class?" A disappointed Charles asks you.

You don't answer, instead trying to slip past him.

Charles catches your movement with one of his arms across your chest.

"Please, just go to class. I know you aren't feeling well, but please just talk to me about it instead of rebelling."

"If there was satisfaction with conforming, I would've done it already. I'm gonna look for my cat." You try to push your way through Charles using sheer force, but you both seem to be of equal power despite Charles's strength.

"Bear? Why are they at school?"

"Some douchebag stole her or smuggled her into the school. It's my fucking cat so I'm getting her back."

You finally decide to push Charles out of the way, but it results in him hitting the wall with great force, which shocked you.

You didn't tend to him as you may once have, instead choosing to stand over him with a barely noticeable look of concern. It's not that you didn't care, but rather you didn't have the motivation to tend to him.

Charles sees your concerned expression, "It's okay! I'm okay! But... but..!" Charles heaves in breaths after having the breath knocked out of him, trying to ask you once more to attend class.

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