Chapter Four

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Looking back on it, you've not a clue why you were so scared of being forced into a domestic role. It was literally the least of your problems.

Owen was kind to you, if not a little detached. Honestly, you found no problem with cooking and cleaning for him and Fern. It wasn't a thankless job. Everybody frequently expressed their appreciation in different ways.

Embarrassingly, you found yourself really enjoying his company. He was thoughtful and protective.

You were always excited to sleep beside him at night, often with Gabriel and Fern. Owen was such a strong man with big arms. You felt so secure in them.

It was such a mystery as to why Owen wanted this family-like setup to begin with. He never made a move on you and treated you with unwavering respect.

You're actually a little disappointed. He wasn't interested in you at all! Your little crush on the large man is not returned in the least. His only concern as far as relationships go is with Fern.

Owen clearly cared for Fern much more than anyone. He was so doting to him that you were even a little jealous of Fern.

Of course, you too have grown on Fern. Although, he was definitely creepy and everytime you think you could fully trust him he always does something that makes you uneasy.

Good examples include, but aren't limited to, stealing your undergarments, seemingly humping you in his sleep, and insisting that you help him bathe and clean his wounds.

The last one wouldn't have been too weird had he not made it weird. Fern made cleaning him such a tedious job. It wasn't like he had just asked you to clean him. You were bathing in the river when Fern appeared like he was stalking you and expressed he hated bathing because it stung his wounds so he was sad he couldn't join you.

Convincing him to use your gentle vegan soap was easy, getting him to bathe without you there? Not so much. You cared about Fern, to an extent, so despite the fact he stalked you and watched you bathe you carefully cleaned his body before you going the extra mile to dress his wounds. All the while you were incredibly and rightfully uncomfortable.

Just thinking back on it is so embarrassing...

"Mama, did we see what happened over there?" Fern's voice rose from the shadow cast by the house.

It was so strange, and at first scary, that Fern hates the sunlight. Between the way he smells, his never healing wounds, and hatred of sunlight one could easily think he was a zombie. However you suspect that he's just one in a million.

You looked down the street to a demolished, almost melted, house. Some part of the walls were demolished while other seem to turn into a gross acidic sludge. As to how you discovered the slime was acidic, ask Gabriel's shoe.

"I'm not to sure. The same thing happened to my old house. Owen said we won't have to worry though." you assured Fern. Although Fern hardly responded to you, implying he already knew the answer somewhat.

Fern wore his emotions of his sleeve, er I guess bandages? He reacted clearly in one way or another to things he didn't know or expect. That said, in this case at least, it wasn't a worry that he knew what happened.

You kind of all knew.

In the middle of the night, sometimes a horrible lurching sound can be heard. A gurrgling terror that seemed to sound permanently dronwing. You could hear it throwing itself, seemingly set on a destination, all the while it hollored and shrieked in pain, a horrendous pouring sound that made you wonder if it was losing its lunch or it's stomach entirely.

That night was possibly the only night you recall Fern not focused on you or Owen. Instead, he shivered violently and seemed to silently cry. You held him the whole night.

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