Chapter 7

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Crap!" Dara silently said when she heard those bitches' voices. She is currently stuck up at the bathroom's cubicle, putting her all strength not to make any noise. "Why we always have the same time on going here?!" she is screaming at her mind.

She is not into gossip thing but when she heard their leader mentioned freak's name, she can't help but to eavesdrop.

"He turned me down so my boys will handle him. After all, he is not the only rich kid here." then laugh like a witch.

Then the bitches left, she came out and just shook her head in disbelief "So, I am right, they are gold-digger bitches"

She need to find that freak first so she can warn him. She stops for a while and ask herself "Should I meddle with his problem?"

After class, she still asking herself if she will tell him or pretend that she didn't heard anything.

She realized that she's been battling with herself for an half hour already on what to do.

Then a decision has been made. She just sigh. "All right. I'll find that freak. I am doing this favor because we are somehow 'related' to each other" she chuckled with that thought.

"Argh! Freak, where the hell are you?!" she is now starting to panic. She is running and running around the campus for more than an hour. It's evening already for Pete's sake! Only few students left.

Her eyes are roaming around, hoping she will see him "There he is!" she said when she saw freak's back who just came out from the building where school owner's office is. "Oh yeah, i forgot, that freak is the prince of these university."

She somehow felt easeness that he is still fine but he seems in a hurry. He is walking on big footsteps. She sigh and just follow him. Then they reach the exclusive parking lot only for him. She was about to call him but she gasped when some guys who look like a members of a gang form a circle around him.

She immediately hide herself. "How did those guys manage to entered here?" she asked herself. Maybe the leader of those bitches did some magic.

On her position right now, she can't see clearly those gangsters and that freak. She made little peek and gasped again because they are now beating him. That freak is somehow attacking them too but since he is fighting with 5 gangsters, he is obviously on the losers department.

"Shit! What shall I do? I can't beat those guys, I am not superwoman."

Even she can't see them clearly, she can still hear them. She checks her watch "Oh come on. Are they not tired? They beating each other for more than 10 minutes already!"

She made a little peak again. The gangsters are now leaving. "Thank goodness." she started to look for that freak when she is 100% sure that they are really gone.

And when she saw him, she can't help but be worried. He was really beaten. He was lying on the floor with a fetus position.

She sat on the floor and gently place his head on her lap. "Hey freak. Are you still alive?" she lightly tap his cheeks.

He moaned in response. She felt relieved. She get her first aid kit from her bag.

"You should be thankful that I still bring this even no one bullies me now" she said while treating him. "Just bear with this for a while or should I bring you now at the hospital?" he is groaning because of some pain. He slightly shook his head. She just sigh and continue to treat him.

She checks her watch, one hour already passed "Freak, we really should go now at the hospital." he just moaned again while she gasped because he push his face more closer to her stomach. She sigh again.

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