Chapter 4

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Since that incident at the bathroom with those bitches and idiot guy, her life became peaceful. If ever she see those bitches, they are just raising their eyebrows at her with insulting look. She thinks that bullying game is now over. And that idiot guy, she never saw him again.

One cold afternoon, she went at a cemetery. Where her mother is.

"Omma, Christmas season is now coming. The evidence are everywhere. Even in the bar where I work, they already put some decorations." she is talking to her mother as if she was there.

Honestly, she is not looking forward to these kind of occasions anymore. For one and only reason, she don't have somebody to celebrate with. Heaven took her mother from her before she went to college. She died in a bone cancer. Her mother is the only precious thing that she had. So when her mother died, she felt that she died too. She didn't knew anything about his father and she didn't bother to ask her mother about it. She grew up with a step-father who is abusive. She and her mother are victims of his. He always hitting them especially when he got drunk. When she was in highschool, her mother finally went to police and they are thankful because he was arrested. The last news about him that she heard is that his step-father died inside the jail because of some riot of all prisons.

"Omma, I missed you. I wanted to be you with now." She realized that some tears are now falling from her eyes. She can't remember when she last cried. Even on the funeral of her mother, she didn't cry. Since that moment, she felt that she already a like a zombie. Still alive but feels nothing. But right now, she found herself crying very hard.

When she now somehow calm, she feels light. Maybe crying really did help a lot. She smiled at her mother's grave. "Omma, you still didn't told me how did you get my scholarship."

One day, her mother just went home with her scholarchip. At first, she was hesitant to accept that because she knew that YG university is for rich kids only. And she is really doubtful because her mother didn't explain clearly how she get that. But since she really loves her mother so much, she eventually accepted it.

Her mother is very aware that she was always bullied since grade school. Her mother always told her that not to fight back with those who bully her. Because of one reason, heaven knew what's happening on earth so only Him can punish those bullies. Actually, she really can fight those bitches alone but her mother is the reason why she is not fighting back. She doesn't want her mother to be dissapointed in her because she knew that somewhere, she is watching her.

After hours, she decided to go home. Since her mother died, she left the house and live in a dormitory for girls.

As she walks, a pair of eyes silently following her.

Christmas Eve. Dara is very busy at her work due to lot of customers. At first, she is just a cleaner but there is an incident where the assigned bartender did not come to work so the manager did not have a choice but to put her. The manager knew that she always watching what that bartender can do. Eventually, she learned it. The tricks, how to mix drinks etc.

And now her shift is over, she decided to have a drink in the night market.

Then suddenly someone seat on the vacant chair in front of her. She was surprised to find out that it's the idiot guy.

"Hey Baby. Missed me?" he said while grinning.

She cleared her throat first then was about to stand up but just like before, he hold her arm "What?" she is now irritated.

"You really are cruel Baby." he even wink at her.

"Don't call me that!"

"Why? You are my Baby."

She gave him her deadliest stare but he just laugh.

"You know Baby, that kind of stare won't work anymore. Don't you miss me?"

"I already told you not to appear in my front again so why are you here?"

"Baby, as far as I remember, I did not agree with you because you walk out on me. So,the reason why I am missing for these past few weeks is because I just give you some space."

She look at him in disbelief. "What the hell are you?! You are crazy! You are freaking me out!" she shouted. She doesn't care right now if they are on the public place.

She was caught off-guard when he smiled genuinely at her. "Finally, I saw another emotion from you."

She immediately look on the other side, avoiding his face. "Leave. Now." she said coldly.

But he chuckled. "That's not gonna happen Baby."

"What do you want?"


She felt her world turned upside-down.

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